Some people in this thread fail to realize... alcohol = drunk + driving = BAD shrooms = messed up + driving = JUST AS BAD.
Wow...I don't know what to say to that honestly. Ok it is your body theres no arguement there, but once you're under the influence your a threat to everyone around you. It doesn't matter if its not addictive or whatever reasons you guys give, its the fact that once you're high, or on shrooms, or on X you have no control over what you do and thats why its illegal. Its harmful, if shrooms are so good and should be legal do shrooms everyday for a year, do you honestly think you will be the same person before? Don't think so, that shit will fuck you up. But hey then again it is your body. ENJOY!
I disagree.. not always. The government should definitely step in and prevent people from doing things to their own bodies f it is causing some kind of damage to other people. Like smoking, for example.
Yeah, your right. And I don't fail to realize it. What you fail to realize is what it's like when your under the influence of shrooms (guessing you have never used shrooms). Some people can handle themselves perfectly when they are high under shrooms. Same thing with alcohol and weed. But if your not accustomed to the effects, and your driving, and you see a purple dragon with gills and a giraffe head, then yes you could have an accident quite easily. I would never drive under the influence of shrooms though. Nor would I let anyone under the influence with me drive. Weezy: Smoking doesn't harm other people unless your talking about the bullshit about the money from weed going to terrorists. Which isn't 100% true. And yes it goes the same for if they are driving, when actually weed doesn't sever my capabilities of walking, or driving for that matter. I'm a better driver when I'm high believe it or not. I am much more aware and much more paranoid, so I take extra precautions than when I'm sober. Don't believe all the "people who are high are lazy and careless." Lazy yeah maybe because weed relaxes you immensely. But careless...that depends on the person. Just like EVERY OTHER THING IN THE WORLD. If they are going to ban weed because some people are careless, then they might as well ban alcohol, cigarettes (second hand smoke is worse than 1st hand. Meaning people who don't smoke, but are around smokers, are more likely to get lung cancer than the person who is actually smoking the cigarette), sex (careless people who are 16 who have sex without condoms produce babies, which then in turn can give the baby a poor future, or death. Ever heard of those sick girls who kill their babies and put them in trashcans because they don't want their prom date to know. Or whatever), guns, knives, and whatever else you can think of that could do harm do someone else. But smoking weed should not be banned and neither should shrooms because of "harming your OWN body." Whether the drug does harm or not, it's our body, and I for one won't have some dick from Ohio govern what or what I cannot do to my body.
I agree with what you have to say fall.into.sleep, but the fact of the matter is, not everyone is as aware under the influence as you say you are and thats why it should stay illegal because I dont want my life to be at risk when I'm going to 7-11 to get a slurpee.
The chances of you being hit by a person high on shrooms is very unlikely compared to you being hit by a person drunk. Which is legal by the way. No matter what the subject, there will always be a chance something harmful can come from it. So let's just all stay in a big bubble like bubble boy, and never leave our house. Never talk on a cell phone, because it can cause cancer or whatever you know. Stay away from microwaves, they do the same thing as cell phones. Don't eat anything fatty, it will clog your arteries and you'll die of a heart attack. Also, don't disagree with anyone because they could be crazy, get extremely offended, and kill you. Suffice: If you are extremely high on shrooms, past the point of body buzzes and relaxation, you reach the point where you hallucinate, or "trip." "Tripping" can be a very enlightening experience. But it can also be a very scary experience. It greatly depends on who you are, your life experience, and especially what mood you are in before you become high. If you have a scary experience, than I'm sure it can leave you "changed", maybe even permanently. Maybe even to the point of schizophrenia. On another subject, I have seen people high (on weed) lay down in the fetal position, and stare off, not talking, not making any movement, until a few hours the high wears off and they get up and ask what happened. I have also seen people rock back and forth, staring into nothing, the entire time they are high. Shrooms and weed are bound to have some different effects on everyone.
Wouldn't that explain why they are illegal? If the effects cannot be predicted, then anything could happen, and that one instance could be bad enough.
Doesnt matter the chances, as we all know shit does happen and its less likely to not get into a car accident if you stay sober.
No. Anything can't just happen. And the effects are the same on the brain, the dose is what changes the strength of the effects. Which isn't a choice seeing that will never happen.
It's not legal to drive drunk. Not here, anyway. As to the subject of shrooms, I don't know enough to have an opinion, and I really don't care a whole lot. The idea of chemicals (natural or not) fucking with my brain scares me, but if other people enjoy it then that's their business.
It's not legal to drive drunk. Not here, anyway. As to the subject of shrooms, I don't know enough to have an opinion, and I really don't care a whole lot. The idea of chemicals (natural or not) fucking with my brain scares me, but if other people enjoy it then that's their business. [/b][/quote] It's legal to be drunk. I didn't say to drive drunk. And I respect your opinion to not want to do drugs, or that "the idea of chemicals fucking" with your brain scares you. I also respect that you respect other peoples lives.
It's legal to be drunk. I didn't say to drive drunk. And I respect your opinion to not want to do drugs, or that "the idea of chemicals fucking" with your brain scares you. I also respect that you respect other peoples lives. [/b][/quote] Apologies for the misreading.
Apologies for the misreading. [/b][/quote] Oh no problem man. (I'm not sure if your male or female, so my apoligies if you are female.) I've misread before, don't worry about it.
It's not legal to drive drunk. Not here, anyway. As to the subject of shrooms, I don't know enough to have an opinion, and I really don't care a whole lot. The idea of chemicals (natural or not) fucking with my brain scares me, but if other people enjoy it then that's their business. [/b][/quote] actually it is legal to be drunk. here the legal limit is either .08 or .10 and do you know how fucking wasted some ppl are at that? and it is perfectly legal. also, you might as well not drink, smoke, drink coffee or soda because of the caffiene, take any pain relievers or any pills, eat foods w/ any preservatives (proven to make ADD and ADHD much worse),........EVERYTHING messes w/ your brain! but its all different ways. i mean, antidepressants actually change your brain chemistry. you just have to pick and choose how you want it to be effected. personally, i think alcohol is one of the worst....and it really is, quite littereally, a poison.
obviously you didnt actually read what i wrote. there is a Legal Limit on how ppl can drive while intoxicated. alcohol affects everyone differently, just like any other drug, so everyone has a different tollerance towards it. some ppl are smashed at .04 and some ppl are fine to drive at .12 (such as alcoholics). so the bottom line: it is legal to drive while under influence to a certain point.
I understand there is a possibility that you can drink and drive, but do you understand how small the amount of alcohol you can consume and still be safe to drive by law is? Its a joke, so don't give me that 'you can drink and drive legally'. And trust me I've known plenty of people that have said 'Oh I'm fine' when they drink and then when they drive they get into an accident. It makes no sense to make a drug legal because only a small portion of people dont react to it like most people do.
Limits would probably be the best solution for everything, yes. But, what about stuff like huffing? Sniff glue once, and there is a probability you will die, regardless of who you are.
actually it is legal to be drunk. here the legal limit is either .08 or .10 and do you know how fucking wasted some ppl are at that? and it is perfectly legal. also, you might as well not drink, smoke, drink coffee or soda because of the caffiene, take any pain relievers or any pills, eat foods w/ any preservatives (proven to make ADD and ADHD much worse),........EVERYTHING messes w/ your brain! but its all different ways. i mean, antidepressants actually change your brain chemistry. you just have to pick and choose how you want it to be effected. personally, i think alcohol is one of the worst....and it really is, quite littereally, a poison. [/b][/quote] Here I believe you can still get arrested even if you're alcohol is below the legal limit if a cop decides you're a danger on the road. Could be wrong though. And that depends on your definition of "fucking with." Sure, caffeine preservatives, et cetra mess with your brain too, but not to the point of hallucinations. But, like I said, it's not my business what other people do.