'Nobody's Listening' because its all rap so the weakest song on the album. My thoughts on ETR: How is it so bad? So its a soft song, but Phoenix and Rob both play their best stuff and its ultra catchy. I mean, Rob's drumming on the verses is much better than his usual! And Phoenix's bassline is his best by far.
well.. i chose nobody's listening cause im not that big a fan of hip hop. its still a good song, but i just listen to it the least.
Open your ears. There are guitars on the track, just not as loud as you think they should be. [/b][/quote] I don't think he'll read that, it's been a month. , just kidding. "Nobody's Listening" to me is the weakest song on the album, it just doesn't catch my attention like all the others.
I've voted Don't stay,this song is terrible.Everxtime I listen to Meteora I start with Sib. Maybe we should make a poll with the least favorite song from HT, I hate Papercut!
Okay, I'm just going to give you another warning... Don't EVER post more than one time in a row again.
[EDIT: I would bash lpfreak but seeing he is banned I will withdraw my comment and eat a cookie] I choose Nobody's Listening because it is so different from the rest of Meteora.
I dont know why people like everything the same or "normal" Iam glad LP put that track on the album becouse it makes the album sound better to have all those different sounding tracks on it and I hope in the future LP makes so more tracks that are different from what were all used to listening to becouse that would make them so much better and bigger and I'm sure all of us would like a change in what we listen to, and my least favorite song on the album is forward even though that song still rocks