its not just about the heavy songs. Linkin Park does both types because they enjoy it. I think Easier to Run is one of their better songs if you look at the lyrics. Hit the Floor is my least favorite next to Nobody's Listening....something about that flute just makes me want to sleep
I voted for Nobodys Listening. I dont HATE it, but its definately my least fav off the album. The whole "rap basis" of the song jes doesnt catch me, and i thought the flute was cool at first, its ok, but it kinda gets annoying at times.
Um... I like all the songs in the selection... I would've voted Foreword or Session... but technically... they're not songs... because nobody is singing.... i think...
I guess it would have to be "Easier to Run" since it's the song I skip most when I listen to the album.
i voted for numb... i dont like it i dont like figure.09 or hit the floor either my favorite is easier to run, and i like all tha others