The album is definitely a grower. I thought it was a decent release at first but it's definitely proved to be a relaxing, albeit depressing album. I love it. Cruel World, Brooklyn Baby, Sad Girl, Black Beauty, and Florida Kilos were the highlights for me.
Gosh, after all this time I'm still not getting into it. I've refused to comment on this album because I still don't feel that I've given my full attention to it, but I'm starting to think that this album is actually, legitimately boring. This album hasn't been a grower for me, and I'm sorta jealous that all of you guys seem to be enjoying it so much, while I sit here thinking to myself: I know I should be enjoying this, because this is my kind of music, but I'm not!
I'm not sure what my favorite song is but I definitely love the record. I will have to listen to it more before I judge but this might be her best work yet.
I think it might be her best as well! I have Salvatore on repeat at the moment and although I have listened to the rest, that song resonates with me the most so far more than any of her other past work has!
God, I hated Honeymoon. It was just so boring. It genuinely sounded like she had just woken up from a nap and went in to record the vocals on about half the album.
I'm going to apply this quote I said last year to this new album as well. Man, this album bored me to tears. I loved pop-Lana, but I can't dig anything she puts out anymore. Scratch the part about it growing on me, it won't. Every song sounds nearly the same and her voice stays the same one-toned/monotone drawn out in a hungover drunken slur for the entire 65 minutes, but critics will confuse this as being intricate. "High by the Beach" is the only easily "accessible/radio-friendly" song on the album and even that song never leads anywhere. Finally realizing she's a terrible singer and these lyrics are laughable. Not surprised critics are eating this up though. Using buzzwords like "haunting" and "ethereal", have to disagree with that strongly. Hate when people try to attribute deeper meanings to things that're just not there, perhaps they deluded themselves into thinking this was actually "sophisticated" and didn't waste their time instead of it simply being a monochromatic, monotone, contemporary driveling cash grab. Starting to have a feeling that certain music artists could just record themselves puking for an hour after a hangover and critics will call it groundbreaking art, then praise it for having depth and doing something other artists aren't doing. Not enjoying 2015 for music so far, Radiohead save me. Hahahaha, fuck you old me. That was a load of shit last time and it's a load of shit this time. Not defending her anymore, but I'll still respect that she makes what she wants, even if it's wasting peoples 65 minutes listening to her diarrhea on audio. It might serve useful as a lullaby for babies to fall asleep to though. TL;DR: I don't like thing. Don't understand thing. Only like mind numbing pop music. Kind of an overly critical asshole. My opinions are fact.