Kerrang!: New Album is Almost Finished

Discussion in 'News' started by Omar, Jan 6, 2007.

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  1. Zakrisk

    Zakrisk Smoke weed.

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Isn't the fact that we have tons of threads about how close the new album is exciting the hell out of everyone here?
  2. Glue

    Glue Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    i've been waiting for so long... just can't wait to know the release date of the latest album and listen to their latest songs... I'm keen to see what's the different from the last 2 albums... Linkin Park Rock On!
  3. Fox

    Fox Love & Trolls LPA Super Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    Oh I wouldn't be surprised if they create a new genre... they kinda did with nu-metal.. I mean.. nu-metal was already created but LP just kinda brought it up to the music industrial and made it their own and popular..
    Seriously, if everyone right now tells you from nowhere: nu-metal!
    What's the first thing that comes to your mind?: "Linkin Park!"
  4. thatrsdude

    thatrsdude Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    But it's crap though. Contrary to what the media will feed you, Linkin Park is a modern rock band, not a nu-metal band for the exact same reasons that Pearl Jam is a classic rock band and not a grunge band.

    Nu-metal was just a corporate reaction to what Korn were doing anyway, all it was was a bunch of manufactured metal bands - Sevendust, Disturbed, Drowning Pool etc. - all manufactured bands that pretend to play instruments while having backing tape and have ghost writers writing all their songs.

    Linkin Park is a modern rock band that never claimed to be metal, they write their own songs and play their own instruments (even if they were stupid enough to let the record company filter them out, thankfully it won't happen again), and dont have any other stupid gimmicks. I'm just going to quote what I recently posted on Korn's message boards:

    That article was a classic example. Kerrang magazine knew full well of the facts about Linkin Park right from the start, but obviously censored them for a good story. The last comment in particular was crap. They've talked before about how the record company will tell them that selling two million copies is a failure, but Kerrang deliberately printed that in a way so that it looked like Chester was infering that 'were here to sell millions of copies and that's it'.
  5. Fox

    Fox Love & Trolls LPA Super Member

    Jan 3, 2007
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    I couldn't have say it better myself.. ^_^

    It's all true what you are saying.. I just refered to nu-metal because of the rap that Mike does..
    But anyways, everybody knows in here that Kerrang! and Blender have all the details for the album already. They are just waiting for the band to finish it and then they'll post them....

    It's obvious the record company is putting presure on the band about the sellings becuase they have selt over 50 millions copies in total.. and guess what.. LP is America's best selling band.. so the record company is just telling them how they'll be a failure now..
    but yeah, that comment with Chester was crap, and I think it surprised eveyone because that's something unsual from him... or from any of the other guys.. >_<

    I don't get why media is making such a big deal about it, anyways, all the articles we have got have been nothing new..
    Same comments from the band members, same information about recording, even the same pictures.. nothing about release date..
    How boring... :blink:
  6. ECU Tekkie

    ECU Tekkie Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    This is it. I'm tired of this. We haven't had any big news from the band since August. I really love LP, but they've have abused their fans by making them wait this long without any sort of album title, release date or track listing. If we don't have anything by February, I'm going to be pissed. I'm tired of waiting!
  7. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Wow, way to be stupid about something like that.

    How is keeping all that secret so bad? I don't see how that's abuse.

    And anyways, we'll be sitting waiting for at least a name, and surprise! The actual album is released. How bad is that?

    EDIT: And thatsrdude, as much as you think you know about the music scene, don't go saying certain bands are manufactured, ghost-write and whatnot.

    I know the guys from Drowning Pool since they're based in Texas, and that's DEFINITELY what they're about.

    And when was Disturbed nu-metal?
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2007
  8. greeny

    greeny New Member

    Jan 29, 2007
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    just to annoy you, im so exited
  9. Kobe #24

    Kobe #24 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2006
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    i just cant wait!!!
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