"It's a Good Mix of Old and New" Linkin Park Talk New Album in Kerrang!

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jan 18, 2012.

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  1. #81

    Xero- σοφία, δικαιοσύνης και αγάπης

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Hey folks. Long time reader/lurker of the LPA - Figured I'd finally make an account.

    (Life story alert, watch out)
    Let me start off by saying that I've been a fan of LP since 01 when my friend referred me to the song "One Step Closer" whilst playing a round of Starcraft. He said it was a good "pump up" song... he wasn't wrong. Went out and bought Hybrid Theory the next day and I've been hooked ever since. I remember when watching the music video for "Somewhere I Belong" for the first time on MuchMusic. In my (young) mind, it was probably the most epic thing I had seen on TV at the time. Went out and got the album the same day. Never thought that LP could top their first album but they did. (At least in my mind.) The years that followed that, however, seemed to be a little luckluster. Barely /any/ information was being released about their next album. It seemed to be like they were delaying it by collaborating with Jay-Z with "Collision Course" but I didn't lose faith. Waited a couple more years until "Minutes to Midnight" was released. TBH I was really hyped for the album. "Oh, Linkin Park is going in a new direction? I wonder what it's going to sound like!" When "What I've Done" was released as a single, I was impressed - It sounded like Linkin Park, but at the same time ... it didn't. Didn't really know if it was a good thing at the time, but I liked the song either way. THEN I listened to the album itself. While it's a decent album, I was not impressed. While I applauded their intuitiveness, MTM (imo) was their worst album. (Even though I'm listening to it right now.) It seemed too generic, too simple. I loved Hybrid Theory/Reanimation/Meteora because there was so much going on; so many sounds, so many tracks within each song.

    I knew that Linkin Park was capable of so much more.

    Fast forward a couple more years. A Thousand Suns is released. At this point, I'm still blindly following/loving everything LP creates. Upon hearing "The Catalyst" for the first time, I literally said to myself: "Holy fuck." Now THIS is what I've been waiting for. ATS is LP's best release to date (Better than HT, HT:EP, Meteora, MTM etc etc.) because it's an album that wasn't afraid to break boundaries of what people thought LP /should/ sound like and is the result of hard working and evolving musicians showing what they can do while pushing aside limits and expectations. It was unique, different, amazingly written, atmospheric and it was fucking fantastic.

    Although you can never really trust articles like these, it really pleases me to hear that Mike/LP is considering/experimenting with the way they /use/ to make music. I cannot deny that LP are the masters of nu-metal. If they were to meld what they did with Hybrid Theory AND continue innovating like they have with A Thousand Suns ... Ladies and Gentlemen, we may just have the album most, if not all, LP fans have been "waiting" for. A matured, evolved and deeper Linkin Park that isn't afraid to break boundaries, but don't forget their roots, beginnings and inspirations. Either way, I can't wait for their next release.

    Wow, why did I just type all that.

    PS- I've never actually had a chance to see them live. The time's that they had previously come to Vancouver, I was too young. Here's to hoping this new album brings them back.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  2. #82

    wilson_r Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Wow! One article sparks so much controversy haha! I think as already stated people are taking new and old too literally. I doubt LP would ever go back to their nu-metal days though if one day the band honestly decided that is where they wanted to go they have the creativity and ability to pull it off and I would support them wholeheartedly in that! However, it seems like maybe they've realised they were casting away too many ideas based on the fact it sounded like something they had previously done and that something positive might come from keeping some of these ideas. This would only increase the depth of their sound and I can't see it being a bad thing. I'll be honest a part of me really wants the 'old' to mean they are actually going to use a bit of guitar distortion just to give a bit more umph to some songs but you can't define an album on a couple of comments. That's where they were at whenever Kerrang interviewed them which was no doubt before Christmas and we've since spoken to Dave who said it's like nothing before which is probably a much more sensible comment to make until they are narrowing songs down to the final 20 or so. There are so many interpretations of old and new together could mean it's almost ridiculous to even try and speculate - for those of you who are currently worried they are regressing/re-doing HT maybe just take a step back and think of all the possible connotations old and new actually represents and to be honest it's already blowing my mind so I'm gonna stop before I get too fixed on one idea ha! I strongly believe this album will be out before the end of the year though from what both Mike and Dave said which is super exciting!
  3. #83

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Thanks for the scan, Joe. That was an interesting read and I like how the new album hype is kicking off!


    Welcome to the LPA, Xero-, that was a great post.

    P.S. There are ladies on here too. :lol:
  4. #84

    Xero- σοφία, δικαιοσύνης και αγάπης

    Jan 18, 2012
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    Thanks! And my bad - felt like just being a little broad. Post has been fixed for accuracy. :)
  5. #85

    Infinity *

    Jun 26, 2010
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    YES YES YES, I totaly agree with you! I don't want another HT or ATS, I want a new mix of both
  6. #86

    Dusty McNugget Buddy LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2009
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    Yes, things are getting intresting now.

    And, welcome to the LPA Xero-! :awesome:
  7. #87

    DJIntensity Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    The album will be epic. No matter what it is. LP fans are always excited to hear something new. Like I said before too we can't really judge their mixture of sounds until we hear it for ourselves. But who are we kidding? Certainly not ourselves, we know we will enjoy this album, so why can't we just wait patiently until a few clips or a single surfaces?

    Take that any way you want. Albeit either "new" meaning new songs/demos/clips or, "new" meaning "fresh" like ATS compared to M2M. IMO I would mean the earlier.
  8. #88

    Adiek84 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    First of all, I'm really surprised that some of you guys comment Mike's haircut from a promo picture that's like almost 2 years old. The dude definitely doesn't need a haircut, as he just shaved his hair off.

    Now that I've commented on the really important things, I can deal with the old/new issue. For me personally, the new progressive sound is more interesting than the old sound, but I like both. Still, I think it's funny that people automatically assume that Mike meant that they'd go back to Hybrid Theory or the so called "Nu Metal" sound.
    I think Mike meant that they found a way to accept the old Linkin Park sound and refine it. In other words, if they write a song that has the Hybrid Theory sound, it doesn't necessarily mean that this song sucks. If the song is great, it doesn't matter if it sounds like classic "nu metal" or not.
  9. #89
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    hybrid.theory7 is the only fan in the world who makes broad, incorrect generalizations based off of a few members' opinions and applies to to an entire website. Considering we made a Thank You video for Hybrid Theory 2 years ago, and also made this website 10 years ago (before Meteora came out), I highly doubt that anybody here believes it is a crime to be a fan of Hybrid Theory, so I'd respect it if you wouldn't generalize our entire site based on a few comments and stop spreading misinformation. The reason so many people do not wish for this album to go back to the Hybrid Theory sound is because many people have grown out of it. All of us (or at least a strong majority) consider Hybrid Theory to be a timeless masterpiece, but it doesn't mean we want to hear that same album over and over again. Hybrid Theory is a unique album in the fact that the songwriting, instrumentation, vocals and everything were perfect. Some may argue that the album may have been overproduced, but the fact remains that the album is timeless. Which is all the more reason for them to stop chasing that album and trying to remake it again because it's like trying to make the same "classic" painting by hand twice and have it be exactly the same as the first one. It may look similar, but the brushstrokes are different and the colors are slightly off. An average art fan may buy it no questions asked, but standing up against the original, it can never truly compare.

    Same concept with Meteora. Meteora was an attempt to have lightning strike in the same place twice. Many songs completely lifted the key, tempo and song structure from other songs (for instance, Hit The Floor and Papercut are the same tempo and sound almost perfect when laid on top of each other) and it lead to criticism from critics that "All Linkin Park Songs Look The Same". Now maybe you're content with hearing the same album 10 times, and your favorite band being subjected to ridicule like that article, but the majority of the fans on this site are not. We'd rather see Linkin Park evolve as a band, and get the respect they deserve which is why we do not want another Nu-Metal album ever again. The genre is dead, it's over with...it's time people realize that and move on.
  10. #90

    Vdalem Purrfect! LPA Super VIP

    Dec 17, 2006
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    I guess nobody saw what I wrote. I said, "If LP kept doing an album the same way over and over again..............They would have been broken up a long time ago!" *roll eyes* Stop raining on their parade and just enjoy what they offer to us!

    *stuck on soapbox again*
  11. #91

    PaulGardinerLP Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    Great interview! Super excited for this new album. I am liking the idea of a mix of old and new. I wouldn't mind a couple songs similar to No More Sorrow or New Divide, mixed in with a couple of songs like Iridescent and TLTGYA! In fact, I could think of loads of other songs too, but then I'll be blabbering... Like I am now :D
  12. #92
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    What's hilarious is that all this debate is going on about "old vs. new" and for all we know, by "old" Mike could mean that they had a Hybrid Theory sounding synth over an ATS style song structure. It could mean anything. Infact, even ATS did not abandon the Hybrid Theory sound totally...if you listen closely enough, it's still there...just different. As Joe properly pointed out earlier, that quote could be stretched out of context so bad it's ridiculous. There may be only one song on the new album that even remotely resembles Hybrid Theory, and here people are celebrating/dreading the sound of the new album based off of a single quote. Lesson here: Wait till you hear it. Can any of us say we expected a song like The Catalyst to be the first single? Hell no. Linkin Park always surprises, and I doubt this album will be an exception to that.
  13. #93

    sian YNWA

    Jun 1, 2010
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    I have learnt to not guess or judge what a LP album is like till iv listened to it, but im excited for new music and mike saying about them not ignoring there old style meens they might put some old songs back in the setlist for the next tour. Well i can dream
  14. #94
    Nobody Can Shave Me Now

    Nobody Can Shave Me Now Formerly known as Ron Jeremy LPA VIP

    May 30, 2009
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    I agree. In ATS there are certain elements that remind me of HT although minuscule. And yes, they always seem to surprise us. It could be at the time of the interview there was one song he was working on that remotely sounds like HT and with that train of thought he told the interviewer. The music writing process is constantly changing for them so anything that is being said now you cant really hold them to it.
  15. #95

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    When Mike alludes they're more open to songs from their roots, it makes me think of the introduction of more up-tempo music with rapid-fire rapping.

    ATS was comparatively mellow vs. the other albums so a return to faster, more aggressive music may be in the cards.

    The band have grown up, so I do not foresee any angsty Meteora-esque lyrics, but if they can make a more aggressive sound fit within the sound they've developed over the last two albums, that's exciting.

    Overall, I just see them wanting to make music that is fun to play live.
  16. #96


    Aug 19, 2010
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    Whatever happened to: "Just let the guys do whatever they want musically. We shouldn't be telling them how they SHOULD sound."?
  17. #97

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I'm just excited that we'll be getting new material sooner than later. At the very least, this album seems to me as if it's going to kick Meteora in the nuts, and slap Minutes to Midnight around.
  18. #98

    Moridin Death Contagious Deity

    May 25, 2010
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    And this.

    I'll take Mike's words with a grain of salt.
  19. #99
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This. Assuming the interview isn't way old and is still accurate, it could mean simply that the rap is coming back tenfold. It could mean anything. Quite simply, none of us know until the album is in our CD player. Well said Mark!
  20. lpkilljoy

    lpkilljoy Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    does anyone else have the goosebumps?!?!?! any LP news of the album gets me pumped up.
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