This! Honestly think the site still looks great, it's a solid design, not bored of it yet. edit: That valentine site really freaked my out back then.
All I can say is that all of our incoherent posts, joking and what not in this thread will make sense soon enough. I'm not going to say whether or not we're currently working on a redesign; or if we are working on one...when it's going to come out, because that ruins the element of surprise/anticipation. It's better to remain mum, so whenever something comes you guys are stunned. So sit tight. I guarantee you that you won't still be looking at this same design two years from now, but apart from that..I'm not going to say much else .
Guys, he's going to make a page dedicated to me. He and I have talked about this multiple times. It's going to happen, and it is going to be glorious. Don't get your hopes up on anything more than a page dedicated to me and my amazing nature.
Damn, the way I sensed the arrival of new design coming it's almost like I have spiritual powers or some shit.
I just realised that the band have probably seen worse from their actual teenie fans at some point already anyway, and now I feel really sorry for them
Or you know, we're just playing along because this is a topic that's been brought up before. Usually we see a new one of these pop up around times when albums are released or announced to be in the works. But I mean really, has LPA ever updated the design on the basis of an album release? C'mon now... A new design will come when the LPA is ready. Until then, let it be and stop pestering us.
i agree. also, i'm an egotistical fuck who is bored and partially stoned at 3:40 AM, so I have put up every award i've won over the years in the LPA Awards in my signature. come on, i need a 3rd win in "Most Confrontational", damnit.