I though the loud guitar gave a punch to the song and made it more cool. Put down the guitar volume, and there you have it, your generic mellow pop rock song. Well, IBG is already a generic mellow pop rock song, but it would be even more noticable with quiet guitars...
It has the classical pop structure, a classic guitar progression, an anthemic catchy chorus, and soft vocals almost all the song. This is the definition of pop rock for me. Not that is bad or anything, but the fact is there are a tons of songs like this. My point was to say the loud guitars are making it less soft for a pop-rock song, so a little more "original" (big word, I know lol).
After the album has worn in, I'll Be Gone is probably my favorite song. It was on of my favorite songs upon first listening and it has proven to have lasting power to it. Until it Breaks was in my top tier but it's novelty wore off quick, as did Lost in the Echo. 1. ROADS UNTRAVELED 2. I'LL BE GONE 3. POWERLESS This list could easily rearranged in any order though. Obviously listing my 3 favorite songs from LT.
My only problem with Burn It Down, In My Remains and I'll Be Gone is the fact that they are too much alike.
There's nothing good about this song, apart from how there are some guitar parts that are sort of interesting in the scheme of guitar parts you'd expect from Linkin Park. Owen Pallett was wasted on it.
How can you say there's nothing good about it? It has a killer chorus, guitars and it's a high energy track. It's not a masterpiece, but from the first 5 tracks on the album, which are supposed to be ''high-energy'' I'd say this one is the most enjoyable...
I didn't enjoy this track either. Kind of a waste of time - can barely hear or appreciate the orchestral arrangement.
I like this song :3. It's beautiful ^^. Chester's execution is nice, and I like the lyrics. The instrumental part is lovely as well. It all fits together nicely ^^.
Best song on the album, Chester's vocals are perfect and the instrumentation is 100 times better than IMR, which in my opinion is the worst song on the album. There is no doubt that IMR or IBG will be a single, just have to wait and find out which.
These nice, poppy songs are never really great... I loved ATS because every track had such a powerful sound. I liked how one guy explained it on YT: ''very apocalyptic sound''. IMR, BID and IBG are in my least favorite LP songs...
Yeah, it sounds a bit like DBS, but that's nothing bad imo. I think it's the fifth best LT song after LITE, UIB, IMR, BID.
I was really disappointing by this track to the fact that I was having a string section written for it by Owen Pallet. Turns out you can only here it for what, 5 seconds when building up to the chorus? Disappointing.