Tried tying a skateboad to a bike and tried riding it, ended up with a chipped tooth, and when the skateboard flew up from under me, hit the kid that was pulling me on the bike in the head Literally BURNED a CD with an Axe torch. Took a bottle of axe, took a CD I hated and, you know the rest. Tried skateboarding down a grassy hill, ended up going off some random jump and almost broke my tailbone. Went skiing and fell, but kept rolling down the hill and almost jabbed my friend in the eye with the end of one of my skis.. ..yeah.
One time, I had the wonderfully bright idea to make a fire in an old tumble dryer that sat next to the house. There were some old speakers nearby, so I pulled out the foam and stuffed it in the dryer and lighted it up. I was so excited! Only when I realised that because that particular part of the house was made from wood, and the walls began to catch flame was I somewhat less excited. Fortunately, one of the neighbors saw all the smoke and put it out. But the wall was completely destroyed. Oops...
i was so f***** mad that i started cursing badly about my teacher when she was stading right behind me.................... im stupid i know that it was in 2nd grade.....bad memories
when i was like 5, i decided to take a pack of gum and walk away with it. i got cought and now i have a record of stealing damnit
I was stealing some marbles in a kid's store when I was about 11.. but there was this wonderfully truthful little bugger walking around (about 7yrs old), who saw me do that and immediately warned the staff. And when I came back the next day, he suddenly popped up *again* So, I was sent to jail for one night. Oh well I was a bit of a bad boy
every time a ceratin cuzin came over, either at the end of the day or at beginning, id accidentaly hurt him by triping, spilling ect. i kinda feel like it was on purpose...
Cool! Another old thread! Anywho, I seen the Simpsons once where Homer was "shaving" batteries down and getting the acid all over the bed. Soooooo, I goes and gets a couple of half used batteries, took out a knife, and started whittling. the carpet got burned, along with my hands, and the leg of my table. Hee hee. It's easy to laugh about now, lol. Another time (in school), I was about to sit down when my friend pulled out my chair from under me. I figured he'd try and do this, so I looked down and seen him. What did I do? I still sat down (I dont know why) and made a complete ass of myself. Oh, and I have a fetish of chewing pens until they bust open in my mouth. I am soooooooooo stupid.
The most idiotic thing I have ever done was eat a peanut butter/jelly sandwich when the jelly has probably been in the fridge for years. I regretted this an hour later.
My cousin and I were in a pet store when I was about 5 and he was aroung 8. He dared me to take a goldfish out of the tank and put it in my mouth... ...well. I did, and choked on it. My cousin had to give me the hymlic (I have no idea how that's spelt) Don't worry, the fish wasn't harmed, a little shook up but it was fine.
I remember the time my cousin and I got locked in my room. My mom had sent us there because we were getting on her nerves, he was about 10 and I was about 8. Well, we tried getting out, and he kept wiggling the door handle so hard and eventually it fell off, but it locked before it fell off, and so we were trapped in my room for about 3 hours before my dad actually got the handle back on
I impersonated people in the chat room and caused the forming of TSC. Never forgiving myself for that one.
why? When i was 10 i wanted to make fireworks (i know... ) so i shaved off the tips of lots of matches in a bowl. I started grinding them and the whole thing blew up on my hand... got 2'nd degree burns on my hand... [/b][/quote] you mean why i've flushed my stuff down the toilet bowl? erm..i was having a video shoot on that day and the director told us to take out our earrings and bracelets. in order to keep them safe i've put my stuff on a piece of tissue paper. BIG MISTAKE. later on as we were wrapping up i thought that it was just some random stuff and flushed it down.
A Few months ago i was in the girls loos and i was playing with my friends lighter. i wanted to see if the metal sink would melt, so i put the lighter up to it (mind you, the lighter kept gettting a really really big flame that burned my hand twice already) and it came bakc all over my hand. it didnt scar or anything, but i had a really red hand for the rest of the day ahhh the memories
Where to begin...hmmmm... Imitating Power Rangers I had to kick atleast 12 different people in the groin... Ooh, here's a three part-er: While on my bike, racing my neighbor on his skates, his foot got stuck in my spoke, the front one, the bike flipped forward, as if standing straight up on the front wheel, I kissed the pavement and knocked out my 2 front teeth... Later that day, imitating power rangers, I kicked as high as I could... Hitting myself in the face, making my ex-bloody mouth hurt again... Later that day, turnging the corner out of the hallway by my room, I smashed face first into the wall, slamming that still-painful mouth yet again... lotsa tears that day... This happened yesterday... did a handstand, fell forward (as if landing on my back) and slammed my legs against my dressor, today, I have a slight limp...
Well,this isn't probably so idiotic but once I took a plastic bag and used it instead of a sledge,on a very VERY steep hill. Then I've been hit so many times on the head,that I probably have brain damage. Although this doasen't require any 'psysical' harm,I sang LP's A place for my head in a crowded bus. It was fun. Everyone was staring at me. ^^