Hurt/Heal - Game of Thrones (spoilers through s6 finale)

Discussion in 'The Living Room' started by Jesse, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. #1

    Jesse Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
    Likes Received:

    I thought in honor of season seven premiering this Sunday, I'd create a hurt/heal thread specifically for it. Now, this will be a bit different from usual Hurt/Heal threads as for to do Game of Thrones justice we have to do it right. And that's bloody. So, first off the rules.

    We'll only be doing characters that are currently alive in the show as of time of this post. We'll be doing 6 characters at a time, and then a another set of 6. Once we run out of characters, all the winners of each round will face each other. You can post after every FOUR posts. Or after 60 minutes (1 hour) between posts. No double postings allowed. Once any character gets to 30 points, all remaining points will be split in half, if a score becomes a fraction after spiting in half, round to the nearest number. (ie, if a score of 11 becomes 5.5, the score is now 6) . Any characters that have points of 5 or below at that time will be ELIMINATED. To make things even more spicy, you can choose to either hurt two characters, or heal two characters, in addition to the standard hurting one character and healing one character. You may only hurt two characters or heal two characters once every five of your posts. If you have to say anything that may be considered spoilery, apart from the stated rules, use SPOILER TAGS, if not, you're a bad person, and you may also be banned from the game.

    Let's go! And remember: In the Game of Thrones, you either win, or you die.

    Tyrion Lannister - 16 (+1)
    Jon Snow - 15
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 14 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    Night's King - 15

    Remember, Read the rules!
    Edit: I very slightly updated the rules in order to take care of any inconsistencies/problems with scores that would be fractions.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  2. #2

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 16
    Jon Snow - 16 (+1)
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 13 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    Night's King - 15
  3. #3

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 17 (+1)
    Jon Snow - 16
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 12 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    Night's King - 15
  4. #4

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 18 (+1)
    Jon Snow - 17 (+1)
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 12
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    Night's King - 15
  5. #5

    Jesse Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 19 (+1)
    Jon Snow - 17
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 11 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    Night's King - 15

    Remember, Read the rules!
    We'll only be doing characters that are currently alive in the show as of time of this post. We'll be doing 6 characters at a time, and then a another set of 6. Once we run out of characters, all the winners of each round will face each other. You can post after every FOUR posts. Or after 60 minutes (1 hour) between posts. No double postings allowed. Once any character gets to 30 points, all remaining points will be split in half, if a score becomes a fraction after spiting in half, round to the nearest number. (ie, if a score of 11 becomes 5.5, the score is now 6) . Any characters that have points of 5 or below at that time will be ELIMINATED. To make things even more spicy, you can choose to either hurt two characters, or heal two characters, in addition to the standard hurting one character and healing one character. You may only hurt two characters or heal two characters once every five of your posts. If you have to say anything that may be considered spoilery, apart from the stated rules, use SPOILER TAGS, if not, you're a bad person, and you may also be banned from the game.
  6. #6

    Michele Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 19
    Jon Snow - 18 (+1)
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 10 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    Night's King - 15
  7. #7
    lime treacle

    lime treacle You are not alone Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 20 (+1)
    Jon Snow - 18
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 10
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    The Night King - 14 (-1)
  8. #8

    Michele Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 20
    Jon Snow - 19 (+1)
    Ayra Stark - 15
    Melisandre - 10
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    The Night King - 13 (-1)
  9. #9

    Jesse Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 20
    Jon Snow - 19
    Ayra Stark - 16 (+1)
    Melisandre - 9 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    The Night King - 13

    Remember, Read the rules!
    We'll only be doing characters that are currently alive in the show as of time of this post. We'll be doing 6 characters at a time, and then a another set of 6. Once we run out of characters, all the winners of each round will face each other. You can post after every FOUR posts. Or after 60 minutes (1 hour) between posts. No double postings allowed. Once any character gets to 30 points, all remaining points will be split in half, if a score becomes a fraction after spiting in half, round to the nearest number. (ie, if a score of 11 becomes 5.5, the score is now 6) . Any characters that have points of 5 or below at that time will be ELIMINATED. To make things even more spicy, you can choose to either hurt two characters, or heal two characters, in addition to the standard hurting one character and healing one character. You may only hurt two characters or heal two characters once every five of your posts. If you have to say anything that may be considered spoilery, apart from the stated rules, use SPOILER TAGS, if not, you're a bad person, and you may also be banned from the game.
  10. #10

    Michele Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 20
    Jon Snow - 20 (+1)
    Ayra Stark - 16
    Melisandre - 8 (-1)
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15
    The Night King - 13
  11. #11
    lime treacle

    lime treacle You are not alone Über Member

    Jul 19, 2011
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 20
    Jon Snow - 19 (-1)
    Ayra Stark - 16
    Melisandre - 8
    Daenerys Targaryen - 16 (+1)
    The Night King - 13

    Jesse, it's a hurt-and-heal game. I don't think people want to think too much doing forum games. You're making it too complicated.
  12. #12

    Michele Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Tyrion Lannister - 20
    Jon Snow - 20 (+1)
    Ayra Stark - 16
    Melisandre - 8
    Daenerys Targaryen - 15 (-1)
    The Night King - 13

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