You make it sound like death would be better than being infinitely alive and trapped. I'm fairly sure being dead is far less exciting than your most boring day.
It would be if you are suffering, in pain, or really long term boredom. Really long term effects of isolation, for example, could cause insanity. And probably a lot of other things could cause a loss of seeing the point of things. I rather die before losing my mind.
Death is better than being infinitely alive and trapped. Death is a part of life, too. And what Vriska said.
I would take the most intense pain ever felt over being dead. Death doesn't take your pain away. It takes everything away. It's not like you die and then feel better again. You die and you no longer exist. And the good part about having an infinite lifespan is that you could never be infinitely trapped. It might take a few million or billion years for something to set your free, but it'll happen.
What the fuck!? You'd rather feel immense pain for an extended period of time over dying, a natural occurring event and a part of life? You're crazy.
Makes me wonder if you've ever been in intense pain to start with. What the hell is the point of having life if it isn't being used. Existing for the mere sake of existing doesn't sound like a good time. I rather have a nothing time than a bad time. I won't mind not existing. It's impossible for me to mind that. I didn't mind not-existing before I was born. You are mental. Also, I would also like to point out, again, that there is no such thing as immortality, as the sun will eventually go supergiant and destroy the earth. Surviving that, you would be consumed in a black hole as will the rest of the universe. And somehow surviving that, the black holes would expend themselves in radiation until there is nothing left but the occasional stray subatomic particle, appearing lightyears away form any others. The universe itself dies in a heat death. In between those times, are really damn boring times.
Even though death is a scary thing for most people, it's a natural part of life. You're born, you live, you die. That's the way it is. If you were immortal, what would the meaning of life be. You would live forever, doing what? The whole point is to strive for the things you want the most before you die.. May it be love, happiness, wealth, power. If you have all of that, what more is there to gain in life? Sure, living longer wouldn't be that terrible, but being immortal? No. What would you do if you lived forever....
To be honest, this kinda sickens me. There are just some things one shouldn't mess with. Death is part of life, no one should mess with that. Nobody has the right to do that imo. Granted, medicines and such already kinda mess with that since it saves people but that's different. Striving for immortality on the other hand is just wrong. Then again, I don't think this is accomplishable. They sure seem very ambitious but not really realistic. Anyway, don't really wanna see this come true.
If you don't want to live forever you could easily kill yourself when you think you've lived long enough.(which would be really easy and painless when you're a robot). Anyway. These people are insane because living forever just seems impossible. This won't happen. People in the 50's probably thought this is what 2005 would be like
Death is what makes us live if that makes any sense. Without death you wouldn't strive for anything. All feeling and emotion would just disappear. It would be like "Well skydiving from outerspace would be cool but I'm immortal so its not like anything could've happened." How much does that blow. So I'm on the immortality sucks side. Also, are we just assuming for this thread that when you die you get thrown in the ground and that's it. Cause even though I've become rather abhorrent of organized religion I still have some vague belief that we carry on somewhere else in some form. I'm too interested with the afterlife to want to be immortal.
I would like to point out immortality isn't the same thing as invincibility. Just because you've stopped yourself being killed by free radicals doesn't mean you can start jumping out of planes.
Being immortal doesn't mean you can't be killed. You can still skydive out of space and die. You just can't die of old age or illness. Immortality and invincibility are different.
It'd be more interesting to have a copy of your personality in a techno-organic organism. Would you see through both sets of eyes or just the one? Would you be the same or different? Immortality is boring unless you have something to occupy your time with. Without connections with other organisms, the 99% would go mad. Basically, life's no fun if you have no one to share and enjoy it with. Why 'live' through the passing of everyone you know, time and time again? To better improve one's quality of life, such as giving a quadriplegic the functionality of the average human being is one thing, but by making them a robot, would we still view them the same way? A tricky subject to talk about, to be sure..
Well if you read the first page it says there would be what is essentially a personality transplant. So if the body is killed you can just move the personality to a new body.
This, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this x10000, THIS. Can't even count how many times I've had to explain this to people.
I believe this could happen, but don't support it. If you did this what is the point of life? We all gotta die someday, except it and make the most of the life you've been given.