Yeah, this song isn't like "tubula bells" or anything. Sure its harder to pull of than average LP tracks like WID, but its nothing they can't handle. Like what Astat says, its quite do-able if they just simplify it a bit and it'll probably still sound as good as the studio version. Thats exactly what I was thinking! He's over reacting about it, & they'll have to play it eventually. Even if its just once. Its either RB or NRL Mike! Take your pic!
I do think the band has already tried, not publicly, to perform NRL live, and they didn't like it. That's just something I'll just have to take their word for. If they tried it and it's not working, then it ain't working.
Won't. Ever. Happen. If they were going to, they would have done it by now between Euro/Asia/NA. Mike's always been iffy about singing, we've known that since NRL (Chester talks about it during the making of MTM about how when they started playing around with track vocals and how Mike sounds better on some than he does and Mike thought it was an amazing comment coming from Chester). They didn't exactly perform In Between perfectly or as good as they wanted to. (I've heard it live, it sounded great, on the DSP I hear Mike's voice pitch a few times) I don't recall them performing Valentines Day either and whatever AStat does in his room, stays in his room. It's easier to sing a song on Youtube than it is in front of 20-70k people. Period. While I don't like American Idol for obvious reasons, there are talented people on there. You still need to have prior experiences to sing something in front of a group. I don't think Mike has an overall problem with performing in front of large crowds, singing songs hinders a bit and Robot Boy is iffy. --RS
They did perform Valentines Day a few times, and it sounded good (imho) but it didn't stay in the setlists.
Did you miss the entire M2M tour Schen? They played Valentines day a lot, AND they added a new intro to it and it's one of my favourite songs to hear live. Mikes singing at the end is really cool, and I honestly think that's the way it should have been recorded in the studio. In Between sounds really great live in my opinion, and you know what? Yeah, there were a few pitch problems but that's also what I like about it, mike sounds like he's actually apologizing for something. Every time that he sings it, it sounds 100% authentic, like he means the words that he's singing. Also the Ohhh's on WFTE are good, same with the Nooo's in New Divide, in fact mike's backing vocals (Nooo-oooo-oooo) are the one saving grace for No More Sorrow, without them I could totally do without that track.
Mike has been getting more confident in singing in front of a large amount of people throughout the tour, as evident with The Catalyst, Iridescent, Blackout etcetera, etcetera, which pretty much debunks the whole "Mike is iffy about singing on stage because of NRL" That was then, this is now.
What about BITS? Is he not singing all by his lonesome self for some of that? In Robot Boy he wouldn't even be singing alone. Confidence is not the issue here, dude.
thats exactly what I was thining with everyone else saying Mike's not confident in singing Robot Boy. He's been singing Iridescent, Burning in the Skies, and The Catalyst Verses and backing vocals to just about every song. And i honestly appreciate that he's singing so much because they sound great live. So in the context of Robot Boy, I've always had high expectations. Not because I want it but because I believe Linkin Park can really pull that song off live. A little Pushing Me Away Chester magic with his amazing screams and some beauty off mike. PERFECT
Singing Robot Boy wouldn't even be as bad as BITS/Iridescent/The Catalyst where he has to sing by himself. With Robot boy Chester would be singing with him.
Not sure what I ever did to rub you the wrong way, but alright then... I can think of at least half a dozen songs that have parts that are more difficult for Mike to sing than anything in Robot Boy, and all of them have been pulled off live with relative ease. I don't see how Mike even figures into this, as Chester's vocals are more prominent than his throughout the entire song. It's not who's singing that's in question, it's the arrangement of the song. The only song they've ever attempted live that came up way short in the vocal department was Hands Held High. That song requires about 6 vocal parts to sound good in a live setting (3 parts on the "amen" section, and 3 on the "with hands held high..." part at the end), but as I've already said, Robot Boy can feasibly be done with 4. If they felt Hands Held High sounded good enough to stick around for 7-8 months like it did, there's no reason to question their ability to do Robot Boy. Everyone in the band save for Rob sings at certain points on the new material, so they have the ability to do it. It purely boils down to whether or not they choose to. At this point, they haven't even attempted it during rehearsals.
I'd rather pass a kidney stone than get into this subject, but here's my two pennies of contributing discussion: I couldn't give a shit (or rather, a kidney stone) about how they pull it off live. Just as long as they get back in the studio and make some more music. Honestly, I don't see Robot Boy translating very well into a live setting. And in any case, just because they haven't/won't play it during this touring cycle doesn't mean it's completely out of the picture. Who would've expected Reading My Eyes to be played live however many years ago it showed up? Whenever they feel like playing it, they'll play it. As long as they keep to the promise of more music more often and give me reasons to throw more money at them, that's all that matters. Robot Boy will be played live when it's ready to be played live. I'm more concerned about new music. TL;DR I tamed a bear and taught it to mass-produce bear traps to illustrate the true meaning of irony.
Okay... relative? Lol so you're saying both have to be off-key the exact amount to make it sound good? Yeah I suppose... but I believe it's easier to both sing on key than sing off-key by the exact same degree Also if both are off-key, it'll also mess up how the vocals fit with the background music.
Singing perfect pitch means being able to reproduce a note without external reference. As you have an external reference when performing live at a concert, perfect, or absolute, pitch is not necessary by any means. Relative pitch is being able to produce a different note relative to another note, i.e. singing a note that is 2 whole steps away from another note. Relative pitch is more important while harmonizing because you have to be able to identify how the harmony interacts with the melody. Further, relative pitch is used when musicians stray from what would normally be played. An example would be Chester taking a different melody in the second verse of Numb live, which he does all the time now. That changed vocal line is actually a harmony of the original melody. So yes, relative pitch is more important than absolute pitch in terms of harmonizing.
I don't think anyone in this thread has said that the window for them to play Robot Boy is closed. Also, it's not like practicing Robot Boy is going to delay the album by, well, anything haha.