OOoooh this could take a while >_>' 2002: LP - Manchester Evening News Arena 2001: Greenday (can't remember where ) 2003: Korn - Manchester Evening News Arena 2002: Page 398 and Epidermis - George Lawton Hall (XD) 2003: Queens of the Stone-Age - Manchester Apollo 2003: Hundred Reasons (and some other random bands) - MTV2 5th Birthday [Manchester Acedemy] 2003: Chimera - Manchester Apollo and I'm going watching Hundred Reasons again later this year
heh, don't make fun of The Village People I'll see them live in June, too.... well actually they will be the pre-act of a really good German Band (die Ärzte)
erm ive seen my m8s band perform like 5 times i saw LP in november 2003 and i saw Lostprophets on the 8/2/2004 so not many