How Did You Find Us?

Discussion in 'Newbie Camp' started by Mark, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. #1

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I'm often intrigued by the stories I hear about how people came to discover this site and forums....oh hell, what am I talking about, I haven't heard any stories. Well, I want to hear them.

    This is why I made this thread. How did you learn about LPA? What possessed you to join these forums? Did you hear about us through a friend? Another website/forums? Subliminal messaging? Hearsay? Cloud formations? Sixty-three million hits in one year does not pop out from nowhere. I'm curious as to how you came to read this today?

    Well, I've been here from day three of the opening of the forums. Associate number 5. I was recruited by Alex. I had added Alex to my MSN list to tell him how awesome his Pts.of.Athrty signature on the LPMB was and a friendship was formed. One day he messaged me asking me if I wanted to moderate some forums him and a couple of friends had made. It's funny how the same signature that led me to contact Alex also caused Derek to message him about taking screenshots for his current website, A .com address was graciously offered by Alex, which led to this websites creation and my current position as a staff member.

    Exciting, right? Maybe not, but add your stories!
  2. #2

    Tomi   LPA Addict

    Mar 10, 2004
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    err....i forgot....but i think it was a subtermal message...
  3. #3
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I had just gotten into Linkin Park and I noticed this poor kid on the LPMB needing help turning .bmp files into .jpgs and .gifs for his website but nobody was helping him. I felt terrible so I PMed him saying I could do a quick job renaming his files for him.

    When I started talking to him I noticed that he had a really genuine dream. All he wanted, was for Linkin Park to one day know his fansite exists and for LPA to become the number one fansite in the world. Because of the fact I had been wanting to make a fansite of my own for the longest time, I hopped on board and did whatever I could in my power to help out. It wasn't until we scored some rare reanimation mp3s that things really started to kick up and we needed to hire more people.

    So along came Alex. I originally only wanted him for Pts.Of.Athrity screens but he wanted to do dvd screens to ensure that we had the highest quality video screens on the net as well as the whole nine yards. He later asked if we had a domain and I said no which led to him offering to register a domain without any cost to me. Of course I freaked the hell out and told Omar the good news and 48 hours later, we had up and in buisness. (Click here to see what Alex had as a placeholder).

    LPA was by shock to all of us, an instant success. Gathering over 230,000 hits in the first month of the site's opening (dwarfing our 5,000 at and now well over 8 million hits a month (despite some sites' claims that we only recieve 3-4 million) I can safely say that not only have me and Omar accomplished our dream, we have also managed to have one of the closest friendships you could ever find on the net.

    But thats enough about me going on about my own site...

    Oh and one more thing, remember what I said about wanting LP to know our site exists? Well according to information from a reliable source, I'd just be a little wary of the occasional "guest" that ventures onto our forums, you never know when it might be somebody special. :innocent:
  4. #4

    Alacrity don't stop talking to me; i haven't been listening LPA Super Member

    Jul 12, 2003
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    After hearing some LP songs mid-late last summer, I became a pretty heavy LP fan. Meteora was out, and I was downloading songs and checking out different LP facts and such. One day I was looking for lyrics, and lo and behold the LPA was one of the first of the search results. I found what I was looking for, and a bit more. After some deliberation on whether to join or not (this was actually my first forum) I joined and posted quite often, lol. I'm really glad to have found this site, i've made alot of friends ^_^ :hugz: I've learned alot, and i'm glad I didn't come from the LPMB here, although it may have seemed like it when I first joined.
  5. #5

    TeMpEsT Live To Thrash LPA Super Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    I was desperate to listen to other Linkin Park fans' ideas on the band, and I was interested in learning more about Linkin Park. So I came to this community, to see the Linkin Park great fanclub. I originally found this site for pictures, I was looking for someone to make me a signature like I always do, and this site had a large gallery. I found that it had message boards so I sort of stumbled over the thought of joining.

    When I got here, I started to see that people weren't just punks, skaters, but all sorts of the"stereotypes" that we hate to be judged by. So not only had I found a Linkin Park site that gave me intense information, but I found a new community for me to be a part of. I feel involved now, thanks LPA.
    Not having anything really to do all day, I started spamming your boards, and you're very welcome. :p
  6. #6

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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    i was looking for linkin park quotes and this page came up in google. you guys have awesome quotes, by the way :lol:
    anyways,i started visiting this site and i noticed that you update it a lot. so then i went to the forums and this is my home now ^_^
  7. #7

    Amy LPA VIP LPA Über VIP

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Some evil people were spamming on the LPMB... :p . I clicked the link and signed up! The end.
    joanne clough likes this.
  8. #8

    lp-4/evr Guest

    I kept looking for lyrics and such and LPA kept coming up so i decided after reading some of the posts, to join this wonderful site ;) for it's amazing truthfulness on facts, bios, lyrics and other things
  9. #9

    Debus Morbid Fascination LPA Addict

    Jun 28, 2003
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    I just typed in 'Linkin Park' into a google search, i saw your site, had a look around and really liked it. I soon signed up afterwards and have come here everyday since then ^_^
  10. #10

    Nikki I have no idea what is going on LPA Super Member

    Aug 12, 2002
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    I was looking for some artwork/pictures by LP (as well as Final Fantasy - which is how I found UFF, but that's not the point) to help me with my graphic project I was doing at the time. I was looking at some of the stuff on Google and followed a link to here. I signed up and yeah that's how it goes >_>'

    I think I remember having a bit of a tiff with Mark once, but look where we all are now, eh? XD
  11. #11

    LinkinJunior LPA Super VIP LPA Super VIP

    Feb 9, 2003
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    "How Did You Find Us?"

    By picking it out of a hat. :)
  12. #12

    ass_kicker Banned

    Feb 9, 2004
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  13. #13

    Whimsicality I broke the dam.

    Mar 22, 2003
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    Well, a bit before Meteora was released I was starving for more Linkin Park. I was googling for everything I could possibily think of--early reviews, new photos, and somehow I stumbled a pon the LPA.

    Right there, on the very top of the News page there was a link, to a german Amazon site with 30-second clips of EVERY song of Meteora.

    Obviously, it was love at first sight. I registered a few days later.
  14. #14

    Meteora89 Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2004
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    I was lookin in google for linkin park bios and then this site came up so i looked around, i liked it, so i joined.
  15. #15
    Mr. Benzedrine

    Mr. Benzedrine Rock the 40 Oz

    Feb 20, 2004
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    This may sound really bad but, i found you guys through (terrible site, always stealing the LPA's Ideas and news etc),
    I think it was through a name and shame portion of their website, and i decided to click on the link, i then started goin to both sites everyday, and now eventually i just go here for my reccomended hourly dosage of LP.

    I would like to thank everyone on these Forums, all of you guys have been so nice and welcoming, all the Admins really out do them selves every day, if it wasnt for those guys (Mark, Derek, Will, Alex etc) this site wouldnt be what it is today, i hope ill be here for a long time to come. :)
  16. #16

    Maëlle I've seen it all

    Mar 8, 2004
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    I became interested in LP in mid february and I registered to LPC. A girl and I begun to talk via e-mail and one day she told me: Hey go, they have really good pictures!
    So I went and fell in love with the whole thing (mostly the name and shame part :p ) I came here a couple of time then saw there was a forum but as I never stay on forums very long I was reluctant to sign in to this one.... Anyway I did it and it's the first time ever I post more than three times on a board :lol:

    Seriously, I was amazed at the so many different points of view and opinions and also the fact that, even if it's a LP fansite, people are able to talk about something else on the boards and respect each others point of view.
  17. #17
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    That's really funny that they have the nerve to even copy our N&S idea. Several staff members quit their site because LPW tried to hack us and steal our bandwidth in a massive bandwidth attack around April of last year that consumed over 50GB of bandwidth. Taking it even farther, although Jay will always lie and claim he never did it, several ex-staff members...including one of his former best friends, said he had been boasting and planning the attack in private for the longest time. He was going to try and take us down for good so we wouldn't have to get in the way of LPW, and once everyone found out it was true, a large amount of staff members quit his website. He won't admit he was wrong and he'll always call us a "Greedy, manipulative website that tries to take smaller websites down". Hardly.

    We've never stolen from LPW or taken any of their ideas, yet we have several AIM conversations saved with a former staff member of LPW who admitted that LPW had been ripping off of us for the longest time.

    Don't believe the BS Jay feeds you, because not only has he lied so much he'd put pinnochio to shame, he's also tried to pin everything we've accused them of, onto us. If he's so innocent I think he needs to explain why he was disqualified out of a LPU contest because his site was cheating. Also he might want to explain why any talk of LPA gets members banned instantly on the spot. We arent even that way with LPW and me and Jay have had some of the worst fights you've ever seen.

    But that's enough about that website, I agreed a long time ago that it's better just to let them do what they want and not even think about them.
  18. #18

    Alex Ambient

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Cool topic Mark, think we'll pin this ... *pins*
  19. #19
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Come on Alex! Tell everyone your side of the LPA story!!! We already know you can write good stories from when you described that once concert experience. :lol:
  20. #20

    Cal LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    I used to search on google news for linkin park news, but once i forgot to click the news and this was the first thing after linkin that came up, so from about november 2002 to april 2003 i checked the lpa, usually daily for news, since this was the best place to find news, and it was during the run up to meteora, then a couple of weeks after it was released i joined and im still here 1 year on :D

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