bad <_< everything is crappy i am just so angry with them all... I HATE THEM :angry: i dunno what to do. and i hurt heaps. it gets worse and worse everyday. i want someone to be able to help me and make everything stop
I'm in another reflective mood...I found my song! (metallica-nothing else matters) my dad used to play this one all the time to me and I never knew who it was by or anything...but I saw it on kerrang...and I jumped around and d/led it...and I'm done now... (amy....we all want to help especially...I'm gonna try to catch you on msn or anything else whenever I can... or talk to someone else around here...they'll help you out too...just...well hang in there girl ) Last edited by Kat at Dec 5 2002, 09:52 PM
me toooo! i saw the commercial on MTV2 and was astonished! i was saying... "did you see that?! did you see that, J? J, did you see that?! JAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" man, it was kool. music was off the hook!! ...erm. right now i feel hot!
Cold...jumping into a fountain when it's cold...I'm a little tired home late last night hehheh
you wanna geuss how i am this time? <_< still badness but still getting worse. oh well..... should of listened to that guy when he said i should get over it and take all the pain and not care if he kills me. probably do that now.... dont care anymore <_<
(wtf happened there?) Erm...yeah I'm alright a rush but I'm alright Last edited by Kat at Dec 8 2002, 01:34 PM
7 hours in front of damn screen for AAX-mas... it was worth it all, though. my ass and eyes hurt bad, i bet my eyes are red i'm tired. BYE! Buenas Noches A Todos! *muah* Last edited by SubconsciousMelody at Dec 8 2002, 12:13 AM
^^ they were red, bastads thought i was high <_< dude, i'm so damn frustrated! i cant find Filter's "Where Do We Go From Here" X-ecutioners Remix! :angry:
im good! is that amazing or what!?! im just happy coz of something heaps kewl that is probably happening on Friday so YAY! but my head hurts <_< Last edited by EvilAmy at Dec 10 2002, 11:02 AM
FREAKED! damn rolling blackouts, it lasted too long, everything went all black i couldnt see anything...ah, and then brother puts black pants over his head and starts Samara :'( Man, funny ####...althought that blackout was way to long, damn Grey Davis! <_< actually not stressed about hw anymore, im so happy!! but i still have a project thats due on monday
yay! i am so happy! i have been happy all the time now! i like happyness! YAY!!!!!!!! hehehe! everything good is happening. YAY! isnt that good?!?!