Remember, anybody who's going...we want to see LPA shirts at these shows! We've literally lowered the shirts down to a point we don't make a real profit on them, just to have these shirts get out there. Here is the shirts: . The first editions are now down to 15 bucks, with shipping. You can't beat that! Also, add Andrea to Camden. She's going, but she has school now so she doesn't have much time to be on LPA to reply to this. But I know definitively she's going!
Xero21 says: I'm going to the Bristow show even though it's* too expensive. And they're playing at Jiffy Lube Live. If the name doesn't already give it away, it's a Jiffy Lube. *APOSTROPHE PIDGEON. APOSTROPHE. THIS LITTLE DEVICE WILL HELP YOU DETERMINE WHETHER YOU NEED TO USE AN APOSTROPHE OR NOT. IT'S AN APOSTROPHE. THE DOG PLAYS WITH ITS TOY.
Im trying to get tickets for the 8/14 show in mansfield, ma. 7th LP show for me. anyone have a ballpark for ticket prices for mansfield? im not an LPU member so that went out the window and I did not preorder the new album so that is out the window and now i have to wait for may 5th to get tickets. any one that has seen ticket prices for mansfield please let me know. Im out of work and need to know how much to save for a ticket. I need to see LP i have only missed them once since my first LP show back in 2003.
I think I'm caught up... If I missed anyone, I'm sorry and please let me know. Let me know for sure. I won't add you until you know you're going. Done! I am trying to decide if I'm going to break the tradition of wearing my street team shirt to LP shows... Also, leads the dillemma of if tradition is broken, what color shirt should I get...
It's official, got my ticket! Had to get a seat, but hopefully I'll win a M&G so it'll be a fair trade-off. Cost was steep though, about $120, but I plan on saving up for an LPA shirt.
I'm going to the Atlanta show! I'll be representing both LPA and LPL. Between both of the sites, I get all of my LP news.
Welcome to the addition of the large Chicago concert! And Hybrid, just wear your LPST shirt under your LPA shirt!
I still don't know if I want to. It's not a big deal for me to wear a LPA t shirt. I will most definitely be wearing my running shows. How hard is it to get to the front of the pit Hybrid?
How about with early access and when the doors open. Don't you all run for the stage? How hard is it then?
Not that bad, but if the M&G people don't get out , then it's just as bad as if there was open gates.
Well there's going to be Incubus before so you'll have to miss M&G for a good spot. Anyhow, I'm planning on sprinting hardcore on my way to the front center. I run track so I think I'll be way ahead of everyone else