I thought I remember the band (can't remember if it was Mike or Chester speaking) saying that "With You" is one of the heaviest songs they've ever done. That's straight from the band, not me. I love "With You". So I vote... "With You". Huzzah!!
Well it technically is. It's played on a fuckin 7 string guitar aswell. And it's certainly the heaviest song of the 7 string/drop B songs LP has done: Runaway, 1skp klosr, Don't stay, Nobodies listening. Rebellion should also have a mention considering it's played on Drop C guitars
They said that back in a pre-meteora interview I think, or at least pre-qwerty. They said it's interesting that the song is one of the heaviest in their history yet has the most peaceful/non-agressive lyrics.
No More Sorrow. Despite the fact that the type of heaviness in it is not my favourite type of music, it is my favourite linkin park song, the next one being either Crawling, From The Inside, Lost In The Echo, Iridescent, or Faint. I like the ones with a sad, soft verse and then a very tuneful and heavy chorus. The really sad ones (Iridescent) do appeal to me as well.
Part Of Me. I don't even like the chorus, the only good part is the rapping. I like the Session remix at the end.
It's not a remix, it's a demo from which ''Session'' started. The song was built over almost 5 years.
Oh, well I'm sorry, of course it's sooo bad that I had no idea about Songs From The Underground until now and that I don't research about every single song Linkin Park has ever made and that I would obviously firstly think that it was a session remix
I just shared some knowledge with you. Excuse me, and remind me not to do it again. Linkin Park put out a remix of a 2003 song in 1999, according to you.
.... I digress... I voted KTTK because it's the only song that when I first heard it, it scared the shit out of me.
Jornada Del Muerto- This ones always been the hardest for me; I just can't understand the lyrics! I wish Mike spoke a little clear and annunciated more on this track.
Alright, folks. The resident expert in heavy has arrived. I'm here to tell you that Given Up is fact the heaviest song in the discography. The screams are bat shit. You'd be hard fucking pressed to find an equal vocal performance to that song. The lyrical content. Again, it got to a level the band never really touched again. It all went back to the topic of interpersonal struggle. The groove, it has a very hardcore groove to it. And lastly, that fucking chainsaw sound that leads into the bridge. It's hard to find shit that gives me the chills even in the heaviest of the heavy. The bridge is the winning point here. That slide, the riff, the screams are all worthy of a straight up, real life metal band. I have trouble throwing any other song (except maybe QWERTY) into that category. I HATH SPOKETH!
Part of Me is from the Hybrid Theory EP, which LP put out in 1999 when they were called Hybrid Theory, then rereleased in 2001 through LPU...Songs from the Underground is a collection of Underground songs...you don't have to get worked up when someone simply corrects you. Much angst, many anger. I believe the "chainsaw" sound you refer to is a pinch harmonic (also known as a pick squeal) on the guitar. It's also not possible to objectively say a song is heavy. Heavy means different things to different people. For some people, it's aggressiveness, to others vocals, and to others the layering of the song, etc. I personally think Given Up pales in comparison to a lot of other metal-esque LP songs. And a lot of metal bands would probably sit and laugh at Given Up. I think Don't Stay is heavier.