Blackout, Hit the Floor and Given Up really aren't that heavy, Blackout and HTF have their soft spots I really think QWERTY is their heaviest, even to some of the ones in THP
I would have to say ''Given Up''. It's pretty damn heavy, the riff, the drumming, the screaming. ''Keys To The Kingdom'' and ''VICTIMIZED'' come close, but I still think ''Given Up'' is the heaviest, probably.
I disagree. Hit the Floor has one of the heaviest riffs the band has done during the chorus and Given Up is probably the heaviest song in the MTM-LT era.
The way I see it, Victimized is super heavy in the chorus, but relatively tame in the verses. Given Up is just brutality all the way through, complete with a 16 second scream from Chester.
Apart from the fact the screams in Victimized are louder, there's really not much more. First off all, the lyrics are a factor in how heavy the song is. It's part of the reason why The Downward Spiral is considered one of the heaviest albums of all time, when really, you can take almost any metal record and call it more agressive than TDS. In that way ''what the fuck is wrong with me?'', and ''I'm my own worst enemy'' are much more to take in than ''victimized, victimized, never again, victimized, rah''. Second off, the delivery of the lyrics is also important to contribute to heaviness. Chester's shaking, imperfect performace on Given Up feels much heavier than Mike perfectly saying ''they're acting like they want a riot/it's a riot I'll give them''. Third, Given Up has a few totally different guitar parts, played with different presets, and an ear pumping bassline through. All Victimized has is sampled drums and that riff. The brutality of the breakdown is definitely the most important to this arguament, climaxing in a fucking 16 second scream. Also, check dem powerchords through it. Dayumn. So yeah.