Has Linkin Park lost fans???

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by thesungoesdown, Mar 12, 2006.

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    Apr 14, 2006
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    We (here in Serbia) can say it is selfish because they didn't came here. They have here like 500 000 fans!!!
  2. Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    God forbid Linkin Park isn't someone's favorite band. You'd probably be surprised to know that many frequent posters and staff on the LPA wouldn't consider LP their favorite band, and for some of us, it's not even in our top ten list of bands.
  3. Jon[athan]

    Jon[athan] Sincerly, written from my brothers blood machine.

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Yeah thats deffinetly the truth. I listen to LP occasionally. But I dont think they make it to my top 10 list.


    Apr 14, 2006
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    It's OK...
  5. P.D.

    P.D. Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    Yeah, maybe because of the Collision Course album and more

    SPACED Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    i think people, like so many people in the thread have said, have matured in their musical taste, i know i have, but i waill always remember HT as an inspirational album for me, and it still is my most fav album of all time, even tho my taste has matured, there will always be a special place in my heart for the band. They were my second ever concert i went to, and i got a shout out there, so ihave fond memorys of the band. Like me and my friends just used to listen to Ht for hours on end, just sat their, listening to it all the way through, over and over, and then we were born into the "mini mosher" stage lol.

    the only thing i dont want is for linkin Park to go EMO!!!!
  7. nenemaru_18

    nenemaru_18 Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    Linkin Park will OLWEIZ be my INSPIRATION...

    For me, Linkin Park will never be gone... I've been their fan ever since... Even though almost all of my friends didn't like them... SO WHAT??? I don't care what they say... I don't care what they do... All that I can say to them is LINKIN PARK RULEZ!!! LINKIN PARK ROCKZ!!! I'll forever be a fan of Linkin Park! The real reason why I love LP because for me, they made the greatest music in the world... I can relate to most of their songs... Even my mom didn't want to here me playing LP tracks because according to her the music's very loud... I'll just ignore her. Linkin Park... The best rock band that I've ever known... I already left them behind, and now I'm returning back to them... But this time... Surely... I won't leave them behind again... LINKIN PARK ROCKZ that's why my LIFE ROCKZ! LINIKIN PARK WILL OLWEIZ AND WILL FOREVER BE MY GREATEST INSPIRATION! --makaxero_lpaddict :mike:
  8. androidkaita

    androidkaita Well-Known Member

    Apr 21, 2006
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    where I live, I think its been growing in popularity, at least in my circle of friends lol. Me and only 2 of my other friends liked it at first, but then I got almost all of my other friends to like it too. Even one of my friends who likes all that gangster crap rap stuff now likes Linkin Park, but only JZLP, and High Voltage.
  9. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    Most of LP's fans have grown up now and so have their musical tastes...A lot of the lyrical subjects and the way things were approached in Meteora were angsty and childish and there are much better bands out there right now. However, maybe they will evolve and their lyrics will get better with the next CD. They definitely lost a lot of fans.
  10. thatrsdude

    thatrsdude Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    Linkin Park is my most hated band until they release their next CD. The last time I told someone I liked that band's music, they instantly inferred that I only ever listened to the crap that the commercials fed me, and tried to steer me onto 'real' metal, despite the fact that they never claimed to be a metal band and on their MySpace profile they label themselves as Rock/Alternative.

    For the last six years I've had to accept the 'fact' that Linkin Park are corporate/manufactured/rubbish etc. for no other reason than the actual fact that they're everything opposite to that and they slipped up. It won't matter in a few months, now that the band is aware of what happened, but until they prove themselves, I have no evidence to back up otherwise.

    Was I the only person in the world who saw through the way they were marketed from the start? Am I the only person who actually looks beyond the production of the albums when I listen to their CD's?
  11. Mr. Benzedrine

    Mr. Benzedrine Rock the 40 Oz

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Why should you have to look past the production of the Albums, If they make good music then surely thats all that matters, I dont' see why you have to look past that.
  12. thatrsdude

    thatrsdude Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2005
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    Because their music sounds the same if you don't.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2006
  13. aeris

    aeris Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Hey hey hey... Hold your horses. Childish? No, definitely not. The themes of Meteora are very universal and so is the way they're approached in it. Adults have problems and feelings like that just as much as teenagers do, and it's narrow-minded to classify that as an "angsty and childish" record. In my opinion, it's one of the best records ever made and that hasn't changed as I've grown older and I'm pretty sure it's not going to. The way I look at the lyrics and interpret them may change and probably has, but not the way I enjoy the music.

    Yeah. Linkin Park will never lose me.
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2006
  14. Harlz

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    I agree, their lyrics have always been open to interpretation, and if you interpret them in a simplistic, childish nature then maybe it just you who needs to look deeper into the songs. I think that chester especially would have a lot of memories to tap into that are far more serious then teen angst, and he does put that in his songs, you just need to look and find it.
    they'll never lose me, i have a lot of faith in them
  15. X-Ecutioners

    X-Ecutioners Member

    Jul 25, 2004
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    I know many people hate LP for the sake of those stupid fans. you know, those who fool around by saying "LP rules", "LP's da shit", "Mike is sooooooo talented",
    that make people get annoyed. So please, stop doing that!

    As for those haters keep saying that ______ (insert any band name here) is talentless, playing simple music that a five years old can play, should really get a life and quit talking shit about things you hate. If you really hate a band that much, don't listen to them and simply ignore them.
  16. devilsnight2003

    devilsnight2003 Dogs Don't kill People, Wabbits Do

    Oct 13, 2006
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    At the end of the day they must have some talent cause they have a record deal, believe them to be label manufactured or not. If you like there music you like there music simply as really.

    Like X-Ecutioners said if you dont like the band then just dont listen to them

    I like Linkin Park cause there different, i like the vocals profided by Chester, the rap provided by Mike, it all goes together to make some great tracks
  17. Linkinp_Jib

    Linkinp_Jib Member

    Oct 24, 2006
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    a lot of them because they did that stupid album with jay_z.But i didn't because a real fan would never do that even if his favourite groupe has made a BIG mistake.

    i agree with you. Even LP changes their style to be Classic or Opera i promise i still love LP and respect to them.I never stop listening their songs and every day in da morning i turn on and sing it with Ches. Why ppl thinkin like that? just too much rap? i dont think this is a good reason enough to says that make LP fan lost. LP fans is never lost but still stay here ,,

    For me .. I just need to listen to their songs every day and i'll be fine and alive ..very nessesary for me.

    i wait their new album day by day.and listen old songs day by day too!

    ya know.. LP not like other bands. they're special ! [espescailly Joehahn]

    so just three words


    i know you know me..!!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2006
  18. Tokio Boy

    Tokio Boy Active Member

    Nov 14, 2006
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    Guys hey all r in dipression... :( But we are going to be more happy next year cos they will throw out a new album.. (name of album is for me unknown...)
  19. Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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    You people have to learn.

    A true fan does not have to like everything a band puts out. I don't like El Gran Orgo by At The Drive-In, yet they're one of my favorite bands of all time.

    Cool your jets and stop calling people "fakes" or "posers" because they don't like some of the material the band put out.
  20. Seinfeld

    Seinfeld We are the nobodies LPA Super Member

    Mar 8, 2006
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    You're all going in circles...sure they lost fans (well...y'all sorrta stressed that point too much over the past few pages) who cares?...they still exist...that's worth a lot...LP's a great band period...I'm still a fan...mainly 'cause I can listen to one of there albums at any point of the day and not get annoyed by the fact I've listened to many of the songs like a billion times...it just doesn't get old in my opinion

    and..about saying they're writing from a teenage/childish point of view?...

    take this example:

    'hit the floor' and 'blood' by papa roach

    the lyrics are basically the same...about betrayal/some sort of let down...that's why I find it a little harsh to say they're childish...

    (it's a poor example 'cause you can't really compare papa roach and LP but still...I think everyone gets what I mean...do you?)

    or would cursing make them more mature?...I mean... a lot of bands are similar but just aren't seen as childish bands 'cause of more 'adult content' type of lyrics

    (feel I lost my point somewhere here...maybe someone actually gets what I meant :lol:)

    tyah...that's about it ^__^
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