Has Linkin Park lost fans???

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by thesungoesdown, Mar 12, 2006.

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  1. #21

    Shiraz Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    Is it just me, or did you just contradict yourself there?

    Anyway, for me, yeah, I don't really listen to LP that much either. I've often wondered whether I'm still a fan of LP at all anymore. But when I do listen to them every now and then, often by accident, I still remember why I loved them so much. Actually a few days ago, Hybrid Theory was the album of the day on my Zen, and I truly enjoyed listening to the album in its proper order....
  2. #22

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I don't think any fan leaves because, "oh, those fuckers! they released a remix album!". I think it's more like, "those fuckers! they releaed a remix album instead of new material!"

    It made sense to me. Oh well.
  3. #23

    Shiraz Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    ^ Got it.
  4. #24
    a life in ashes

    a life in ashes mercury summer

    Jan 11, 2005
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    They haven't lost me yet, but they need to evovle their sound on the new album or I'm gone. Hybrid Theory kicked ass, but Meteora was just a poorer Hybrid Theory clone. Either way it'd better be good, given how long is taken to put out.
  5. #25

    sam1990_23 Member

    Feb 12, 2006
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    Alot of you are right, they have lost some fans, but that occurs for all bands. People move on, and Linkin Park had an amazing outcome with HT but they took to long to come out with Meteora and alot of their past fans had moved on. But you also have to look at the effect of the songs on the fans, and what they are going through when they listen to it. When I listen to Meteora, I remember when I was 13 and I had just moved to Georgia and I was new to everything. On the other hand, when I listen to HT I remember all the times I had hate for someone, or when I screwed up in life. If someone has a stressful life for a amount of time and listens to a certain band for a long time, and then the band comes out with a new album but with no advancement like Linkin Park did with Meteora from HT then the old fans will not enjoy their music because it reminds them of the feelings they had awhile ago. When I travel though, I listen mainly to Meteora and some of HT. As for the remix, it didn't really help them too much. Fort minor is making Mike more popular and I enjoy fort minors music as well, but because the first LP album I bought was Meteora that will always be my all time favorite.
  6. #26
    Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Unfortunately, Linkin Park has lost fans. But you have to realize that it's impossible to remain a fan of one band for too long. After a few albums, you just might get bored, or have found other bands that are better than Linkin Park. Linkin Park is still a great band, but like Minus Xero, I haven't sat down and listened to a Linkin Park song, or album, in full for a long time. And yes, some members on this board, including me, aren't fanatics. We're on here to socialize. We're still fans, but not big ones.

    Linkin Park made a few mistakes to end up losing a lot of their fans:

    - Warner Bros.
    - Don Gilmore being the producer of Meteora
    - Collision Course
    - Reanimation (to some people, but I thought it was a great album and it got me even more interested in them at the time)
    - Meteora (to original fans from Xero through Hybrid Theory and/or Reanimation)

    Hopefully, the new album that's going to come out this year will boost the fanbase and bring back hope and interest from the fans who are losing interest and respect. Although, I am not quite sure what to think about this upcoming album. The band has given us conflicting descriptions on the album. We don't know what to expect, or what to think. Even though we can't judge, the predictions are just a mesh of handed-out descriptions which don't even seem to fit together. All we can do is hope.

    And as several people as said, Linkin Park needs to take a more mature approach. Their songs are directed at teenage fans, and even though a majority of the fans are teenagers, taking it to a higher level will definitely bring them more respect. That needs to change. Their musical formula needs to change. They need to evolve and expand. The only expansion has some from the members seperately. Such as Mike with Fort Minor, and Chester with Snow White Tan. The band needs to expand, not the members seperately.

    But I guess we can say that Linkin Park has shown some promise. Even though the mash-up album was a big mistake, hell, they worked with one of the best rappers in history. Funny that they even won a grammy for Numb / Encore, up against Common. They must be doing something right. And they performed with Sir Paul McCartney! I mean, Linkin Park and Sir Paul McCartney. Some would never imagine.

    I'm going to sum it up. Even though they gave given us a little, little bit of promise, they need to step it up. Otherwise, they're going to end up losing their fanbase. All that's left will be people who are totally sucked up in the belief that they'll never lose hope in Linkin Park, even though there is no doubt about it that they eventually will if Linkin Park continues their Hybrid Theory & Meteora formula.
  7. #27

    miny_girl_LP wow the dark side has cookies!I'm there!

    Mar 20, 2006
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    a lot of them because they did that stupid album with jay_z.But i didn't because a real fan would never do that even if his favourite groupe has made a BIG mistake.
  8. #28

    Doorway Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    Yesterday I realized that I am not so big fan of Linkin Park as I was a year ago.
    Right now I like My Chemical romance more.
    But I still like Linkin Park and I can´t wait until the new album comes out.
  9. #29

    EMIN3Mfan Active Member

    Jan 8, 2006
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    wouldn't be suprised especially with a remix album after their two kick ass albums. i use to be a die hard eminem and linkin park fan, now i'm more of just an eminem fan, but dont get me wrong i'll still have love for LP!!!
  10. #30

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    The remix album came between their two 'kick ass' albums. If you're speaking of Collision Course, it was a mash-up album.

    Reanimation is really the only reason I'm still a fan right now.
  11. #31

    LPFMBabe4Lyfe Banned

    Mar 22, 2006
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    i still am a fan and forever will be.
    i will support LP until the day i die. my cousin chris
    doesn't like them anymore but, eventhough LP loses
    fans there are still the hardcore ones that remain
    supportive for the band.
  12. #32

    Mk_Spike Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I think we as fans should promote it a bit more then we could give LP some credit out there
  13. #33

    delta-kenji- New Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Well i first heard lp when i was like what 10? XD my sister was listening to it and first song i heard was "session" then hit the floor eventually i started listening to hybrid theory which i thought were WAY better for some reason. then i started hearing about b-sides and demos and i heard most of them they were all great. after about 2 years of listening i stopped for about a year then i went back to it when i was feeling a little down. =(
  14. #34

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    And strangely, there are many out there who loathe Reanimation...
    I for one, love Reanimation. I will always stay loyal to Linkin Park, and support every member of the band. It is true that the band has lost the interest of many fans out there, but every band receives just about the same feedback from the fans. I wish Linkin Park were as big as they were back when Hybrid Theory came out, back in the days when everybody talked about them. Now it's Fallout Boys, and, I don't know..I'm not gonna turn this into a rant XD. So, good day.
  15. #35

    miny_girl_LP wow the dark side has cookies!I'm there!

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I'll always stay a true fan of them despite "Reanimation" And "Collision Course".Today at school i heard that one of the classes had put on "Faint",i don't what came over me but my soul,my blood started jumping and felt the urge to jump along with the song and sing too.So i did!!!(w00t) It was the most amazing and strangest feeling i'd ever felt and i know no other songs,like LPs,can make feel like that!!!
  16. #36

    thesungoesdown It's like I'm paranoid..

    Dec 9, 2005
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    I thought Reanimation was really good. I don't understand why people hated it and felt that it caused some people to lose interest in LP. I'm real stoked with the idea of Meteora remixes that Brad hinted about. A lot of groups ar every one dimensional. LP is not only really diverse ( rap/rock) but they continue to try and be creative. I for one, enjoyed all their albums, from hybrid theory to collision course to live in texas. I'll always be an LP fan.
  17. #37

    Brentaliath Revived 2012

    Feb 23, 2005
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    I still enjoy Linkin Park, like everyone else said i'm not obessed. I listen to their stuff every once and awhile. I also still wear my LPU shirt.
  18. #38

    miny_girl_LP wow the dark side has cookies!I'm there!

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I hate it when my friends laugh at me because i'm the only LP fan left in my class.It's so depressing that you don't have anybody to share your obsession about them!!! I just need to listen to their songs every day and i'll be fine(and alive)hahaha(w00t)
  19. #39
    Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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  20. #40
    Butterfly Solider

    Butterfly Solider Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Hell Linkin park hasn't lost my vote....I'm willin to wait for the new cd and stuff...but if ya think about it...Linkin park has a unique style..which would seem like it takes alot of time to think out the songs..the beat..and ect...so if you really think about it.t.he only fans they could have lost are those impaicent people that need a new cd right when they hear a cd all the way through.
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