While it may be a fresh sound for LP, I honestly felt underwhelmed with GATS. It's strange though. I adore Given Up, but I just genuinely felt bored with GATS... 24 Hours in and opinion really hasn't changed. Hope I like the album itself better.
For the sake of space, I won't quote it again, but I think Xpeerahmental did a great job describing how I feel about the song as well. It's still great to jam to and I seriously can't wait to hear it live!
Love the song. The music, the lyrics, the song structure. HATE THE MIXING. I think the mixing is terrible. But that's just me. If it was just screaming I could see it, but when you have someone like Rakim putting in a pretty intricate rap, I want to hear it. He gets lost and I feel Chester is competing with the guitar and losing badly.
I love the song, it's yet another LP track to rock out to. But, it is the first song from LP in a while that hasn't really impressed me as far as variety. I remember my first impression of New Divide, The Catalyst, WFTE, LGM, LITE, etc. all had a "wow yet another different sound/mood to add to their repertoire", but this sounds like something that could've been on MTM or something (yes I recognize it's different from MTM, but it wouldn't be a huge stretch). Not that it's a bad song, just didn't blow me away. The sheer length of it is what puts it in its own special place I guess.
That's the stupidest thing i have ever read(alright not really, but i still take offence to that lol). So now you can't make a song using metaphors, Oxymorons or comparisons without it just being "Word candy." Really man you have no clue of what great lyrics are then. And I get the songs have to make sense but if you tease the fans with a demo with words like "Anarchy", "Acid Rain" and "Beautifull hallucinations", you honestly should be expecting more than the usual "Secrets"(AKA lies) You can't deny that sometimes CHANGE in the lyrical approach from a band isn't a bad thing(I take the Demo rap on In the end over the album version any day(even though non of them are bad)) - I would rather want a nonsense rap like on Reading my eyes, than a basic, more or less unoriginal rap like on Burn it down. "Fan the flames as your blazes burn" is an exception.
If I recall correctly, one of the demo lyrics for Blackout was "it's painted upon your face, beautiful hallucination." What exactly does the phrase "beautiful hallucination" mean in that context? What does it add to the song, other than being a flowery nice "big word" phrase? What Rocky was trying to say is that using "poetic" words just for the sake of having them isn't a good thing if you're just throwing words around that don't make sense.
My whole big reply, I had no idea that was actually lyrics. I thought it was referring to the bridge/outro since the lyrics seem somewhat hallucinogenic. Anyways, What Xero21 says here makes sense.
Alright firstly: A hallucination is a sensory experience that feels real to one or all of your senses but isn't actually real. A beautiful hallucination is then probably something that looks/feels beautiful and real but in fact isn't(said in other words, it's painted upon your face, that you believe that what we have is something real, when in fact it is a lie) - not that far from the final version (all the lies and they cut so deeply) So basically he is saying the same thing - But using a metaphor. Secondly: I am majoring in (Danish)literature so I always get excited when I hear some kind of metaphor/figurative language - but i guess the average person would rather want something literally. But I agree, if it doesn't make sense in the context then it isn't good - but in my opinion it is more interesting when used.
C'mon if you really know about literature, you should know that there are many great works in literature that use less poetic language.
I do and i never said otherwise, I just said what I ENJOY in lyrics and where my opinion is coming from. But lyrics are more like poems than anything else and poems are often written with figurative language. When you have little space to express yourself, you make sure that every word has a bigger purpose - in great poems anyway. In novels and short stories - sure there are great works with little to no poetic language - but that is no where near the same category as song lyrics. Anyway can't we just get back to the subject please? - all i wanted to say was that i didn't think Blackout lyrics matched the hype i got from the demo(just the first "verses")
Just wanted to throw it out there too that we never actually heard the demo lyrics on the song. That being said, we don't know how well they fit with the choppy melody/flow. In my head, it doesn't sound very appealing. Just sayin...
You obviously never saw the LPTV episode that had the Blackout demo, haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euZ1wZERdpQ
But we actually DID Hybrid - If we didn't why would we even argue about it? Sorry if I came out sounding ignorant in a way.
You guys are right. Haha. Pardon my ignorance, but I actually didn't know that existed. Thanks for sharing that, Benji. Alex, I was under the impression that the lyrics were shown on a piece of paper and not performed. It does sound better than it did in my head. Anyways, after watching/listening to that LPTV, I like the way that the album version sounds over the place-holder demo lyrics. That being said, the only lyrics that I could see fitting in the final product would be "Go, you say you have every right."