Got Something You Want To Let Out?

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mechanical Christ, Aug 25, 2004.

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  1. Messy Marj

    Messy Marj LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Oooooi oi okay :)

    well...uhm, I don't think you're a dumbass nor a dick
  2. Anthony.

    Anthony. .Orestes LPA Super VIP

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Cool, if you've got any questions don't hesitate :bookread: .
  3. Anya

    Anya Lost LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2003
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    Yeah so.. I went to pirates cove tonight to hang out with David. We were contemplating on dating eacother but I was hesitant because I just broke up with someone. Then I get there and I see he has a new girlfriend and I'm.. really jealous.

    I shouldn't have been hesitant, because seing him with her just gave me a big blow to chest. I never really realized how badly I felt for him until now.
  4. $pvcxGhxztCasey

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    I don't like my body. I can't stop eating, and I think in a few months it's going to spiral out of control. I'll be 300 pounds soon. I don't like going out in public because I still feel like I'm being looked at and made fun of because of my weight. I've had girls tell me I'm sexy and hot and all that horseshit, but I just don't see it when I look in the mirror. All I see is a 240 pound 16 year old.

    I hate this.
  5. Derek

    Derek Administrator LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You need to do what I'm doing Casey, I know you don't like traveling outside but you need to start going for frequent good walks. Furthermore, if you have an excersize bike, going 5 minutes on it a day and slowly working up will help get your cardiovascular in shape and make you feel better and more active. I sometimes go on the bike once around noon and again around 10PM to get double the excersize in my day.

    You're going to want to almost completely remove sugars from your diet and focus on foods that are low fat. Also, even though you said this came from eating too much..if you can force yourself to not eat after 7PM that'd be best. Late night is a bad time to eat anything heavy as the body really doesn't do anything with the food and it just kind of sits there, making you gain even more weight.

    If you absolutely cannot go without eating food, an apple sliced up into little pieces with peanut butter or a few graham crackers in milk are enough of a snack to keep you satisified without overeating.

    If you start excersizing regulary and do so almost everyday (taking an odd day off here and there for a break after going a few days in a row) you'll be impressed at how quick the weight begins to come off.

    You're like me, you sat around at the computer and ate a lot of snacks and it caught up to you. Nothing to hate yourself over.
  6. Amy

    Amy LPA VIP LPA Über VIP

    Jul 28, 2002
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    tell your girlfriend if she doesn't already know. it's better if she hears it from you. i'll talk to you about it on msn ok..

    I did the same thing. I'm a complete fuckwit. yeah. so I speak from experience.

    I got very drunk, embarrased myself and my boyfriend so much, went off to some other random party, still have no idea how I got there, and one of his mates basically raped me. yeah. and I don't remember a thing. Just going by what i've heard.

    well, me and my boy are still okay, cause he knows how drunk i was and what the guy was like. he doesn't know what exactly happened though. but i still feel really bad. I made him and myself look so bad that night infront of all of his friends. I can't stand to go places with him anymore because I always feel like his friends are laughing and saying shit about me. i have no idea why he is still with me. i feel really bad about it, but when i'm with him it doesn't matter. it's weird. i hate it.

  7. Anthony.

    Anthony. .Orestes LPA Super VIP

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Casey, training accelerates the body's metabolism, allowing you to eat as much but eliminating it faster. It's not only a question of burning fat, it's about balancing everything. Try to do various exercices; when I trained, I would go to a gym where there was a track, so I split up my exercices like one lap/sit-ups/one lap/musculation/one lap/push-ups etc. After, we'd play badminton to "calm down". It was really effective.

    Also, you should try to find a partner with whom you'd go to the gym. It often motivates you to do better and helps you have fun.
  8. Messy Marj

    Messy Marj LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Apr 19, 2004
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    Thanks hun ^_^
  9. mathew51b

    mathew51b Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    ahh...i am really starting to get fed up with my life. (im not emo though before anyone says anything)
    basically, quick background info. i went out with a girl a while ago, who was best friends with a girl, who is also my friend, (makes sense..), then while going out with her i started liking the other girl, so i ended the relationship.

    then the girl i was going out with kinda worked out i liked the girl (dont know how though), and she said 'well i already made her promise that shell never go out with you'. so that was, yeh...

    then she started going out with a boy, my friend, and i was like, oh well, but after a while it started getting to me, so i told her how i felt about her. we didnt talk for about a week, and then it was all ok for about 4 hours, becuase then she said that she basically likes me.

    right, so we carried on for ages as normal as possible, and then she was asking me for advice in her relationship, because they were growing apart, so i tried to help, because i didnt wanna be the reason they split up, but today at school they did. now i dont know what to do because even my ex is telling me to ask her out, but i know that if i do it too soon my friend (the boy one) will never talk to me again, because itll be like i keep taking things away from him (i also replaced him as lead guitarist in a band because he kinda sucks i heard). i really dont know what to do, yeah, sorry this was sooo long,
  10. Andrea

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    My dad can be so disrespectful. It makes me so ashamed. He tells my mom to 'shut up' around the house and even in public...among other things. It's so wrong. I just wish he would stop treating her and even me like shit sometimes. We don't deserve that. :closedeye
  11. emyly

    emyly freedom can be frightening if you've never felt it

    Jun 29, 2005
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    my father is an asshole.he is destroing my whole family is at his mersy.we have to beg him for money.he has a lot of money but he give's us so mother has a job but it's not egnouf to pay all the bills,because in my country the salaryes are like shit.he has a good life in Italy with another women and he give's a shit about us.he's been doing this for the past 13 years.I hate him :'(
  12. Canadian Joe

    Canadian Joe Bacon strips LPA Super VIP

    Apr 11, 2004
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    That's horrible...I mean, he's gotta have some responsibility in his life, doesn't he? Fuck, what an awful thing to do...especially to somebody like you. I know what the wages/jobs are like in Romania...a good buddy of mine is originally from there...and from what he tells me, a lot of it is just the shits...but hey, from what you just said, it sounds like he's being an immature, irresponsible person...and you know what, that really pisses me off... If you wanna talk, I should be online tomorrow sometime...
  13. Paul

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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  14. Louis

    Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    This just goes to add on how horrible of a person I am.

    At school today, we were playing basketball. As my friend went up to do a lay-up, he ran into me. He blamed it on me, but I was standing pretty far away, and he should be able to stop. So when he turns around, I say to my friend, "I just didn't want some fat idiot running to me."

    All day, I've been kicking myself because I say that. Never am I so mean. I'm going to apologize to him tomorrow. I was in a horrible mood and that's probably why I said such a thing.

    There's a lot more to my horrid self. Everytime my mother points this out I regret it greatly. Everyday I have homework, and I hate it like fuck. I always complain that there's too much fucking homework each day. When my mom helps me with it, I tell her that she thinks I'm stupid and that I should do it myself. I don't know why. I just get defensive whenever she tries to help me. I don't know why.

    Why am I like this?
  15. emyly

    emyly freedom can be frightening if you've never felt it

    Jun 29, 2005
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  16. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I can't believe that we've been broken up for a month. It doesn't seem like it's been that long since we broke up, but, at the same time, it feels like it's been forever since we broke up. Honestly, I don't think that we should've ever ended our relationship. We were having so much fun together. Even after the relationship ended, we were still as close as can be. I messed up a couple of times when we were together, but I never cheated on you. I messed up a couple of times after we'd broken up, but I never got with another girl. I know that you've said that I've got nothing to worry about when it comes to you and another boys, but I can't help but feeling that you're going to end up dating one of your friends. I don't want that to happen because I don't want him to hurt you. I don't think that you'd be able to take that. I don't want you to come to me because I don't want to feel like I'm just your fall-back boy. At the same time, I want you back so badly that it hurts. I cry myself to sleep when I'm finally able to close my eyes and, when I dream, I only dream of you. We've been so distant for the past couple of weeks that it feels like you don't even want anything to do with me. I try to talk to you but I feel as though there's nothing to talk about. Even when I'm spending time with you, I can't bring myself to say anything because just being with you makes me happy. I'm so afraid that you're going to find someone better and it scares me to death. I want to be with you so badly but I feel like you've ignored all of my pleas. I sent you a long e-mail about how I was going to wait for you and you never responded. I've left you text messages simply saying "I miss you" that you've ignored. You've even gone so far as to tell me that we need to stop saying "I love you" to each other and that we can't kiss each other anymore. You even made a rule that we can't kiss each other unless we've been spending more than two hours with each other. I was fine with that but you haven't even made an attempt to spend more than two hours with me. You'd rather go hang out with your friends. Don't get me wrong, I want you to have as much fun as you can possibly have. I just don't want you to forget about me. I feel so distant when we talk on the phone and even when we chat online. I just want to have what we had over the Summer again. I don't want you to just be a Summer fling. I want you to be my girlfriend and, someday, my wife. I know that you were talking about marrying me and having kids with me, building a house and having a pond in the backyard with a weeping willow tree next to it and having houses built for our parents. What ever happened to that? I feel like you don't even want to see me anymore. I hate the way you're making me feel and that's killing me because I love you so much. I love you so much.
  17. Evan™

    Evan™ HI! I'm Randy, I'm a Bandicoot Über Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    i wonder what i have ever done for you guys that has been good. And the more i think about it, the answer becomes more clear. I have done nothing, absolutely nothing at all for you guys except cause lots and lots of pain. I wonder why its always the case with me, the more i care the more likely i am to hurt you guys, i dont want it to be that way, I know i havent done anything recently, but i know i am going to do it again one day sooner or later...i dont know if its only in my head, but thats the way it feels....
  18. *MoOn*

    *MoOn* Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2004
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    1st of all i'm <F> ;P & yeah razan i think you got what i mean ....
    plus i came from Jordan ...
    anyhow this moment i feel my self cool =)
  19. Linja

    Linja Good. Be magnanimous. Über Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    I don't know what's wrong with me. I think I'm having a breakdown, but then I remember that my problems are plain stupid compared to everyone else's. I'm going through a lot of changes lately, and it seems that the smallest thing can set me off either crying, or into a furious shouting match. I'm a completely different person sometimes, I can spend one week as a really nice, cheerful girl, but the next few days as a moody teenager, or I could just spend days on end staring at nothing and doing things mechanically. Most of the time I realise that my friends didn't really know me.
    Since I moved, I've been home-schooled in Russian, because I'm trying to get accepted into a prestigious school here, and we'll know if I'm in, in January. But I also really miss my old school, and the environment there. I'm very, very lonely here, seeing as I don't really know anybody, and the people I do know only speak Russian, and my Russian is limited. It seems I survive merely by talking to my best friends from Dubai, one of which hasn't talked to me in about a month. I don't know what I'm going to do. I really don't want to be studying here, or even living here. I've been trying to get into boarding school, but my parents are insisting that I study here. There's just nothing outstandingly interesting here, and I have nothing to do the whole day. I've lost interest in most of the things that I used to love, and I don't know what to do.
  20. Canadian Joe

    Canadian Joe Bacon strips LPA Super VIP

    Apr 11, 2004
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    You'll eventually get settled in, trust me...I know how hard it is to get new friends...most of mine moved away, or just stopped talking to I know what it's like, and I can also tell you that you'll be just fine. If you ever wanna talk, just PM me :)
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