Got Something You Want To Let Out?

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mechanical Christ, Aug 25, 2004.

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  1. MrCrono

    MrCrono Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    I took a snapshot of the desktop on a school computer, then made that the wallpaper. Then I deleted everything off of the desktop, giving the illusion that the desktop was still full :chemist:
  2. Holiday

    Holiday Married and on a life-long adventure! LPA Super VIP

    Sep 25, 2004
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    someone was bored :rolleyes:


, i do too many smilies sometime... :wth:
  3. abcdefg

    abcdefg Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    Outsider, you must be the biggest idiot in the world. I don't see how you can even back up your claim that cancer is not at all associated with smoking. Please explain to me the labels placed on the cigarette boxes, the thousands of deaths every year due to lung cancer or emphysema (however you spell it). Nobody can hide the fact that smoking will cause cancer. It is not 100%, because nothing is.

    Not only does smoking hurt yourself, it affects all the people around you. The 3-month old baby who inhales the smoke from her mother or father. Your girlfriend or boyfriend who stays by your side to suck in the garbage you let out. When he or she has lung cancer and he/she never smoked a day in his/her life, tell me how you explain that.

    Face it, people will never admit that they are addicted to something. They'll justify their need to inhale garbage. If I asked you stick your mouth on the end of a car exhaust, would you do it? If not, then why the hell do you but something like a cigarette in your mouth?

    Minus_Xerox, I'd rather have some yellow teeth and bad breath than to be addicted to something to the point where you lose self control.
    You will crave a cigarette much like an alcoholic is dependant on alcohol. It affects their life - family, friends, financial stability and so fourth. You may think a single cigarette is nothing and you may not consider yourself an addicted person. Wait til it all adds up, when you resort to nicotine to help you out.

    But who am I to tell someone how to live? It's just pretty sad seeing people smoke their lives away like that. People desire to live life better and that starts from physical health. Smoking crap isn't gonna help you. Justify it all you want - you can't deny your addiction. Choose how you live, I just felt a need to voice my opinion when coming across idiots. Btw, I dont listen to Linkin Park either.
  4. mmmhmmm

    mmmhmmm Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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  5. abcdefg

    abcdefg Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    You know its sad enough to see that even after having some major throat surgery to make a hole to breathe from, some people will still want to smoke. If the idea of having a hole surgically put into your neck to help you breathe didn't stop you from smoking, nothing will. You think cancer won't happen to me. Well, what happens when it does?
    Is it funny now? Will it be funny when you go check your bank account and realize you have $0 because you blew your money on alcohol? -_-''
  6. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Whoa, overreacting.

    See, this is what I hate. People who overreact.

    First off, Outsider didn't say that cancer WASN'T caused by smoking. He was speaking of cancer through OTHER means besides smoking.

    Second, I'm not ruining my life. Life is short in the first place, and anyways, I'm not addicted at all. I quit for a year and only decided to go back because I was bored. :lol:

    It's not an addiction, it's something to do. I for one know when someone is addicted (my uncle is), and I am not. Neither are any of my friends. We're just casual smokers. One whole cig a month is a rarity.

    It doesn't affect my family: we're fucked up as it is.

    My friends? They don't care as long as they don't inhale themselves, unless they do it themselves, in which case...

    Financial Stability? I'm 17 and working 2 jobs and still going to high school, taking AP tests, SATs, and graduating distinguished. Don't tell me I'm going to fuck up financially.
  7. mmmhmmm

    mmmhmmm Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    Whoa, overreacting.

    See, this is what I hate. People who overreact.

    First off, Outsider didn't say that cancer WASN'T caused by smoking. He was speaking of cancer through OTHER means besides smoking.

    Second, I'm not ruining my life. Life is short in the first place, and anyways, I'm not addicted at all. I quit for a year and only decided to go back because I was bored. :lol:

    It's not an addiction, it's something to do. I for one know when someone is addicted (my uncle is), and I am not. Neither are any of my friends. We're just casual smokers. One whole cig a month is a rarity.

    It doesn't affect my family: we're fucked up as it is.

    My friends? They don't care as long as they don't inhale themselves, unless they do it themselves, in which case...

    Financial Stability? I'm 17 and working 2 jobs and still going to high school, taking AP tests, SATs, and graduating distinguished. Don't tell me I'm going to fuck up financially. [/b][/quote]
    Whoa, careless.

    See, this is what I hate. People who don't care about themselves.

    (And I thought this was the serious part of the forum? This is not over-reacting. It's just a really long forum entry. Internet has mysterious ways of changing tone of voices. )
  8. abcdefg

    abcdefg Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    You were bored and you decided to go back to smoking? Now doesn't that speak volumes about you? Why is that you smoke to kill boredem? Why don't you go learn something?

    You are 17 years old, I'm sure you know everything what exactly addiction is.

    As for your family being fucked up; I see it runs.

    As for financial stability - you may not fuck up now, but tell me when life gets a lot more stressful and see what you resort to. It's great that you're taking all those tests, did you pass? I don't know anyone who is smart enough to start smoking again after succesfully quitting just to kill boredem. Why did you quit anyways?

    Overreacting? I'm not overreacting at all.
    Yah and I also hate idiots
  9. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    How am I careless?

    I'm barely 17 years old and financially stable.
  10. mmmhmmm

    mmmhmmm Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    How am I careless?

    I'm barely 17 years old and financially stable. [/b][/quote]
    You smoke. That's how you are careless. I am rather surprised that you didn't understand.
  11. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    You smoke. That's how you are careless. I am rather surprised that you didn't understand. [/b][/quote]
    I still don't see how that's careless.

    I'm making my own decision. Being careless is doing so without knowing the consequences. I know exactly what the consequences are, therefore I am not careless.
  12. abcdefg

    abcdefg Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    You are careless (and pretty ignorant) because:

    a) You quit smoking for 1-year only to smoke again. Do you know what smoking does to your body? Your lungs? Probably not.

    B) Financially stable. Do you pay for where you live? Do you pay the bills?

    c) "Its not an addiction, its something to do". Are you a scientist or an expert of addiction? From what I recall, you are 17, work 2 jobs, smokes for fun and yah. I'm pretty sure I'd come to you to ask you if someone is addicted to something. Yes Yes.

    d) You are barely 17 years old - there are lots to learn. It's okay, going through the adolescent teenage stage involves the desire to feel as if you know it all. You want independance, yeah yeah.
  13. mmmhmmm

    mmmhmmm Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    I still don't see how that's careless.

    I'm making my own decision. Being careless is doing so without knowing the consequences. I know exactly what the consequences are, therefore I am not careless. [/b][/quote]
    Then let me rephrase myself. Knowing the consequences of something, yet still blindingly heading towards doom, is something, if you are a smart person, you shouldn't be doing. But perhaps you THINK you know the consequences, but do not care about them or perhaps you did not bother to consider them. Then that makes you careless.
  14. mmmhmmm

    mmmhmmm Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    I still don't see how that's careless.

    I'm making my own decision. Being careless is doing so without knowing the consequences. I know exactly what the consequences are, therefore I am not careless. [/b][/quote]
    Then let me rephrase myself. Knowing the consequences of something, yet still blindingly heading towards doom, is something, if you are a smart person, you shouldn't be doing. But perhaps you THINK you know the consequences, but do not care about them or perhaps you did not bother to consider them. Then that makes you careless.
  15. abcdefg

    abcdefg Member

    Sep 21, 2005
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    "I'm barely 17 years old and financially stable"...thats almost like an oxymoron. Do you know what that is?
  16. minusxerø

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Think about it this way.

    I'm a teenager.

    I afford my car payments...

    Any grocery shopping...

    I chip in with taxes...

    I have money to spare...

    And I am successfully shuffling 2 jobs, an internship, orchestra, AP Classes, SATs, etc. and still have time for hanging out with friends.

    Me? Stable?

    No way.

    EDIT: I find it strange that abcdefg and mmmhmmm joined at almost the exact same time and seem to never be on at the same time.

    Duplicate accounts?
  17. Heavy is the Louis

    Heavy is the Louis No really, we are so back. LPA Team

    Apr 17, 2005
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    Think about it this way.

    I'm a teenager.

    I afford my car payments...

    Any grocery shopping...

    I chip in with taxes...

    I have money to spare...

    And I am successfully shuffling 2 jobs, an internship, orchestra, AP Classes, SATs, etc. and still have time for hanging out with friends.

    Me? Stable?

    No way.

    EDIT: I find it strange that abcdefg and mmmhmmm joined at almost the exact same time and seem to never be on at the same time.

    Duplicate accounts? [/b][/quote]
    It must be.

    First: They both have 5 posts.

    Second: They're Associate Numbers are different by one.

    This is obvious duplicacy.
  18. The Outsider

    The Outsider Billy Corgan = God

    Aug 15, 2005
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    today my friend was being annoying kath, and she wrote on my arm with my pencil eyeliner "you sux girls" then when she walked away cos it was Yr 12 muck up day, she walked away and one of the yr 12s got her with a water bomb.
    i think smoking is ur own choice and ppl cant say shit and tell people how to run their lives when it really comes down to what that person thats smoking choice.
  19. Holiday

    Holiday Married and on a life-long adventure! LPA Super VIP

    Sep 25, 2004
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    Its people's choises to do anything to themselves. I say, if it doesn't hurt anyone else, why give a fuck?

    Although, if my mom is stuck in a room where someone just smoked or is smoking, she will die, so its not really as harmless as you may think. Let alone all the litter from it! Ugh! I cringe at the thought!
  20. The Outsider

    The Outsider Billy Corgan = God

    Aug 15, 2005
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    its people choice if they choose to smoke. u cant really say shit if its their choice.

    and plus, sydney spends more money on cleaning up the town, then people buying them.
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