Does anyone else love Good Charlotte? or am I the only one who does? Can't wait for the young & the hopless to come out!
i do! my friends recently got me into liking them. i borrowed her cd and i've been listening to it non-stop. it's awesome! when the new album comes out, i think i'm gonna get it.
me too. but we only watched them for about 15 minutes [/b][/quote] omg this guy in the crowd his tee was drenched in sweat it was sick
yeah especially when i got squished against him :x[/b][/quote] ugh sick!!! the worst for me was when this big tall guy was jumping against my back. he wasn't sweating but he was mighty loud
ugh sick!!! the worst for me was when this big tall guy was jumping against my back. he wasn't sweating but he was mighty loud [/b][/quote] ohhh sad im such a wimp i cried at warped when bad religion and nofx played, the crowd was soo rough, i was dying and i almost cried at this other concert i hate being soo weak :'(
ohhh sad im such a wimp i cried at warped when bad religion and nofx played, the crowd was soo rough, i was dying and i almost cried at this other concert i hate being soo weak :'([/b][/quote] whoa ok, this quote thing is getting HUGE! aww yea bad religion was a huge crowd. but i was near the back where it wasn't so rough. so...i was a lucky one there.
ohhh sad im such a wimp i cried at warped when bad religion and nofx played, the crowd was soo rough, i was dying and i almost cried at this other concert i hate being soo weak :'([/b][/quote] if you stare at all the qoute boxes its like a warp
whoa ok, this quote thing is getting HUGE! aww yea bad religion was a huge crowd. but i was near the back where it wasn't so rough. so...i was a lucky one there. [/b][/quote] lucky u