Well Alison and I have talked and we are gonna remain close freinds and maybe one day she'll be ready to date and if not oh well we had a good time while it lasted
that's the right way to go have fun being pals or the other way...just stay together and like each other for what you both truly are
hey as long as you are there for her, when she is ready to be in a relationship again, she should know that she can come back to you. cuz believe it or not some people really arent ready for a serious relationship after their hearts were broken....maybe she is scared that whatever happened last time will happen again. this does not mean she doesnt like you and was trying to get rid of you...so don't give up!
good for you cuz i don't ....hahaha lol jk. anyway yeah i had the same prob before, and now....i dont know what the problem is. but its all good as long as you guys like my advice!!!!
lsn don't give up Man ok, but try all Ur best to be next to her where ever she needs some body to talk to.... & don't lie NEVer TO HER just be as urself & be honest okz .... GoOd LuCk
sometimes girls just need assurance that the guy will always be there for them before they are ready to jump into a relationship with them.... just let her know youre there