Not "we"... when a Religious extremist comes to power I'm Looking at you "random presidential candidate who says he's not religious..."
It's gonna be a while before we get an athiest/agnostic president. Or anything other than Christian for that matter. But all of this is happening on a state level which the president has no say in. Nor does any one man have that kind of power. This is all happening because the opinion of the general population is shifting, so these laws a rather permanent unless we see another swing in opinion. Also did anyone see Queen Elizabeth tear Chris Christie a new asshole! Edit: BAAZING!
I don't even need to look at the link to know what type of responses would be on there. Those Europeans are dumb. Gay is a sin. We all going to hell. Get that Muslim out of the white house. How close was I?
I have seen this subject being talked about often and i'm just gonna say that i wouldn't like to go to the shops or city and see same sex couples holding hands or showing sexual affection in public. In my opinion it just doesn't look right on the other hand I have respect for homosexuals just like everyone else. I know some of my mates who are homosexuals and i respect them, just not their views on homosexuality.
I mean watching anyone anybody get all hot and heavy in public is kind of weird and sometimes gross but if small displays of affection between 2 men grosses you that is honestly not my problem and I hold no sympathy for that opinion. Me and my boyfriend (hypothetical of course ) have every right to hold hands like a normal couple because that's all we are. A normal couple. If watching 2 men hold hands bothers you, you are way too sensitive. I understand you wouldn't want to watch 2 guys shove their tongues down each others throat but being uncomfortable over small displays of affection is silly.
We are who we are and no matter what sexual orientation, we should all have the same rights. Your kids don't "get gay" from seeing a couple holding their hand or giving each other a kiss. Besides religion clouds the sight of many people.
I'm just going to say that you've got balls for actually saying something like this in an obviously very LGBT-supporting forum.
This is just my opinion XD i know homosexuals that are cool with my views and we are really good friends (and not in that way ). Though my views may seem contradictory to yours it does not mean i am some campaigner against homosexuals. rather i treat homosexuals the same as everyone else and like everyone else, i have my views on homosexuals like you have your views on other topics/people as well.