As we reported earlier this week from international news site 20 Minutes, there's been promotion for a full web stream of Linkin Park's new album LIVING THINGS set for June 19th. This has now been confirmed by another website, The German page promotes a full album stream scheduled for June 19th, and although it doesn't state a specific time, there's a video player placed on the page to stream the media. This all but confirms that the LIVING THINGS pre-listening will be worldwide and you can expect a number of other media outlets in various countries promoting this over the coming days. There's also been rumors of an iTunes pre-listening on the same day, but we can't confirm that as of time of writing. Of course, this hasn't yet been confirmed by Linkin Park, but hopefully we'll hear something soon. LIVING THINGS MyVideo Streaming Page Will you be listening to the LIVING THINGS album stream on Tuesday, June 19th? Let us know on the LPA Forums. Source: MyVideo via anaPHX
So now I'm caught in the dilemma of hearing it on Tuesday or holding out to get the CD on Friday. Must...stay...strong.
Apparently someone on Twitter is telling us that there's new snippets in the video on the page but it's restricted to Germany...
Yeah, LOTE about 40 seconds, and a about 1 Minute of a song which sounds like ... i dont know. Its new, its fresh. Its like What ive done, in pieces and a perfect voice together. and c.a. 10 secounds of until it breaks. What a beat Amazing!
if it doesn't leak before June 19, i will accept Mike's challenge because i have two exams 22th and 25 ,so i can't take my mind of the exams. BTW,still hoping that leaks this week
such a temptation o.o ... But NO!! I will wait till June 26th to get the album ,must deflect the subject XD