Another positive German review: 5,5/7 Positive review without rating Edit#1,addition without rating Positive review by ranking the tracks overall rating: n.a overall rating: 4/5
Okay, weekend update. Album is currently at 75/100 out of 16 reviews on AOTY. Some facts This temporarily makes it the 2nd most reviewed LP album, behind Living Things (18) and ahead of THP (13) This is the 2nd best rating for the band, behind HT (79 out of 6 reviews) and ahead of Meteora (69 out of 10 reviews) Alongside ATS (67 out of 10 reviews), this is the only LP record to have a score higher than the 50's since HT/Meteora Great critical reception so far thus. Expecting more reviews next weeks. Unfortunately, I'm expecting it to be the first LP record with a Fantano score, and I'm predicting something between 1 and 4/10 on that one. He's not going to go the tender road with the modern rock production. But if other reviews remains positive, the overall score should stay above 70
Fantano is out wit a light 5/10 - but still biased and unbelievable: Linkin Park - From Zero ALBUM REVIEW
I'll admit it, this turned out much better than anticipated. Props to him for being relatively fair with the album and not trashing it for the trendy boost. It's cool he praised Casualty, he wins points on that one. Sooo... He basically rated LP higher than the 2 last Deftones album. All things considered, it's really not that bad.
A pretty fair review, I’d say. I’ve always appreciated him as a reviewer because he always been good at articulating his opinions, even if I don’t necessarily agree with them. You can say he’s biased, but we are too. I can love A Thousand Suns all the live long day, but it’s just my opinion as well. The majority of the world still only really likes those first two records, which reflects in his assessment.
At least he even bothered without the “Not Good” clickbait he did during the 2017 controversy with One More Light. I remember he refused to review LT and THP. And I don’t think he did anything for Post Traumatic either. The cynic in me obviously knows he probably only did this since LP hasn’t been this relevant musically in a long time so he knew traffic would be drawn to it, but a 5/10 is definitely better than expected
Is the guy even relevant in the world of music critics? What I mean is, does his review count toward the Metacritic score, or is he just popular on YouTube?
That's the thing, he became such a famous figure that his reviews count in the aggregate (at least AOTY). I wouldn't have put emphasis on him earlier otherwise
A 5 out of 10 is better than I expected for Fantano's review of LP. Honestly, I thought he might give it the 'Not Good' tag. That said, I think his review was fair. At one point, I even thought he might rate it a 6 with how much he praised HITC, Casualty, and Two Faced.
Perhaps I didn't say enough about "biased and unbelievable". I wasn't referring to the musical value of ‘From Zero’ but to the renewed ad-hominem topics against Emily on the subject of COS and the Masterson case, where he had already fuelled all kinds of speculation in an earlier review. In my opinion, putting this first in his review was absolutely unnecessary and superfluous. He could have handled it more confidently - but he didn't. So he still offers a roof under which the ad hominem haters can gather. That's why I still see Fandango as biased and untrustworthy. Nevertheless, his assessment is technically understandable. He also explains it coherently in places - even if I think a 7/10 would be justified.
Fantano never really had my respect, but he lost what little was left when he listened to Halsey's album about her having lupus and leukemia and almost dying and criticizing her of having main character syndrome.
Ouch, that one is not a good look, at all. That's one of my problems with him. He often appears to be completely detached and indifferent towards sensible issues, sometimes using the chance to take shots at the artists instead. There is a minimum of decency and respect to show amidst negative reviews, and every now and then, he just doesn't display either
Jeez. Was this recent? I don't really follow him these days and only watch his stuff occasionally for the more meta videos like the Ronnie Radke beef. I think Fantano has found his audience in a certain kind of music listener, the kind I personally have a hard time getting along with: the obsessive raters and critiquers whose entire relationship with music is to listen to all they can, slap a rating and review on it, and call it done. To me it feels like just using art for content creation, whether they consider it that or not. And I find so often they kind of have this attitude of "understanding" music more than other people and regard themeslves as having some kind of authority on it. Maybe it is enjoyable for them, but I just can't fathom that kind of relationship with art because I think it's a much more complex and human thing than that. I like to relate to art and understand who made it.
I personally don't love it, but at the end of the day it's new LP which is awesome. Definitely some very good songs on here, but not as consistently good as I was hoping for.
This is where he has completely lost me as well. Inexcusable, IMO Halsey's album came out at the end of October and Fantano's review shortly followed Fantano is someone who listens to and reviews such a high volume of releases that only really novel things will engage him, and he's far from the only content creator in that boat. The problem is, that context is wildly different to that of his viewers, or whoever you might describe as "average listeners" or somesuch. Broadly speaking, that's just not how we listen to and experience music, so that's important to consider.