Let me think... RiverJudeAlexander (likes honey!) Omar A (Speak to Sometimes!) Numb Girl (Loves to talk) Mr.Fred (Hates Stereotypes) Monika (What happened....?) Amy (Stupidhed...Nah!!) Dedicated (Is indeed) EastCoastPunk (Likes Music) LornVourkolakas (Is buying me a Christmas present..'hint') If I missed anyone I am sorry!
Mr Freds Friends 2.0 Dedicated Phantom Duck With You Chris Derek Mark Amy Kat Whisper Angel ive probobly forgot someone.........i know i have.....
Dedicated Mr. Fred Phantom Duck Chris Derek Will Kat Whisper Angel I don't know who else. Everyone is awesome.
Ditto.... I love reading the posts of a whole bunch of you here, but I've never really talked to anyone outside the fourms...I was PMing with EastCoastPunk for awhile last spring, before it was safe to talk about Good Charlotte on the fourms :chemist: Not that anyone's interested, but AIM's Shatterday337 Lyn
actually.. i think i've lost some respect i think over here for the eef.com.. so no more friends for a while
I don't really have any friends here. I'm friendly with people, and people are friendly back, but it ends there.
Ditto.... I love reading the posts of a whole bunch of you here, but I've never really talked to anyone outside the fourms...I was PMing with EastCoastPunk for awhile last spring, before it was safe to talk about Good Charlotte on the fourms :chemist: Not that anyone's interested, but AIM's Shatterday337 Lyn [/b][/quote] Why don't you have your AIM on your profile?