Discussion in 'Random Chat' started by Gitsnik, Jul 7, 2007.
il pleut
YEAH! I speak french too! ERRR.... Bonjour indeed. See?!!
That's not really french
Duox! is that how you spell it..?? I KNOW FRENCH, I SWEAR! *headdesk*
Doux if you mean soft.
SEE! I TOLD YOU! lol, I was trying to say "two" but mehh, that works, I think..
Two is deux.
Deux! riiggtt, I was close enough..
i only know one word. ménage à trois
That's more than one word. Haha! -- Oh la la, je suis fatigué et j'ai mal à la tête.
Je ne parle pas le français, mais je tape français.. so yeahh
Bravo? Err oui....oui.
! yeah, let's pretend we speak french, Aisha! oui?... oui?!! *bouncing*
*applauses* Nous sommes impressionnants ! (Errr.. freetranslation, dear)
Vous êtes très impressionnantes!
Merci ! lol, j'ai dit que je parle français.. errrr. pas vraiment...
Separate names with a comma.