I get the feeling that Mike will take a Beyonce/J.Cole route and release the album out of the blue. It seems plausible since he's straight up debuting a track live on a late night show.
MACHINE SHOP (SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP, SHOP.........................................SHOP.)
Mike was in New York ....Chester too....what about a Fort Minor video for the next single with Chester in the video shooting or a Fort Minor feat Chester song?
Let's hope for a new picture today! Anyone think we will get one? EDIT: Omg... they just posted a small clip of a song!! It sounds so good.
Dunno what's so good about it. I think it will be something like "Where'd you go" Also I think the name of the song is Listen. The artwork reminds me of Muse.
Sounds somewhat similar to "Where'd You Go?" I like that, I wonder if it will be a similar theme to it. I guess we'll find out real soon.
So unless Mike gets a guest singer, he is certainly gonna be singing in this song. I actually doubt there will be any guest vocalists on this song.