Nvmnd forget it you don't even know what your talking about, you judge me and you don't even know me, yeah I like Chester, but that's doesn't mean it's wrong I mean come on. I like their music practically just as much as I like Chester and the rest of LP, there's nothing wrong with that. First you make fun of me after I ask a simple quesition, and then you judge me on the way my site looks!I take back what I said when I thought I understood why you thought I was a teenie cuz now that I think about it, that was was rude.....
You're warned for triple posting. Don't do it again. There is no excuse for posting 3 times in a row when you could have put that all into one post.
O sorry new here didn't know, but seriously you didn't have 2 be so mean and accuse me of somthing I was not.
You just admitted you were a teenie pretty much - that's something you are, please, just live with it; I don't want to argue about this because you won't win. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and if you want the song, please, don't hesitate to IM me on AIM and I'll be happy to give to to you; I have cable connection.
This happened on Dry Cell's message board where a teenie tried defending herself but ended up getting destroyed. I mean, she even said in her first post (the chick on the DCMB) "I haven't heard any songs but Jeff is soooooo hawt!!1!1"
*Clears throat while holding up classified documents* And I have the proof, so quit while you're ahead . Thank you.
okay, forget about it. I'm not a teenie and I know I'm not so to me there's no use fighting over it, no u do not have proof all you have is ur stupid judgment which isn't even true. I came on this board and asked you a simple question, I don't know HOW it turned into a fight when all I wanted was a little mp3 but to me this sounds like the stupidest thing in the world because youd don't even know me or anything about me, but you know what?Forget about it because this fight isn't even worth fighting over as long as I know the truth about who I am and you don't.
Ummm I haven't seem you on IM jawknee, but once I do I'll talk 2 ya then. My IM is SlapHappyGC k?lol I made it up I just thought it was funny.
You're warned for double-posting, you were asked not to before. And Keaton DOES have proof, so don't try denying it.
Umm I wrote the first post over like 10 hours ago, and then I came back on later which was like 3 hours ago and posted the second one, I didn't really think that would be thought of as double posting i'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time, I tend to forget I apoligize And no i'm not gonna deny it I know I was wrong.
Time differences are no excuse. :whistle: That's what the edit button is for. You can state more than one issue in the same post--it saves the mods/admins the job of having to give you a warning.
Yeah I know it's no excuse but i'm just saying I apoligize, why do u have to make this worse than it already is?Please don't.
"molest_chester." thats all I gotta say. Would you be wanting to molest him and be making a site about him if you weren't a teenie? No you wouldn't. We do ban teenies btw. We don't accept them here at all.