Like others I probably heard a things like In the End and Crawling without really paying much attention. I wasn't into rock at all back then, and didn't know much about it. I remember quite a few of my friends constantly dissing what they perceived to be skater/emo music but often saying that out of those LP were "alright". That got me kinda interested so when Somewhere I Belong was released in the build up to Meteora I took a proper interest and saw it performed on a TV show. I actually really liked it and got the album as soon as I could. Having got that I then got into Reanimation (wrong order I know) and then Hybrid Theory. It's funny that a lot of HT tracks I actually originally knew better in their remixed format, which seems strange now. So the first LP track I heard properly, was that all time classic that everyone on here seems to love, Somewhere I Belong. Brings back great memories, as I grew up and changed a fair bit whilst having Meteora as a soundtrack to my life, so although my taste has matured and I don't really listen to it much these days I still like that album a lot.
Umm... I don't know how to break this to you... ...But Somewhere I Belong is actually one of the more disliked tracks of LP's discography here it seems.
LPA guys must be pretty sad if they don't actually like the place they belong. SIB is the typical Nu-Metal song, but I like it, even if I don't listen to it often. It was one of my favorites back when I got from ATS to LP's Nu-Metal side.
Yeah, I had that song on repeat for days when I first got "Meteora" Unfortunately, I now know that the resulting damage is irreversible
Crawling. Was at a friends has one day (I'd say 2003-2005ish) and it absolutely blew me away. However, my fandom for LP didn't start until What I've Done was featured in Transformers. Then, I went out and bought Hybrid Theory and Minutes to Midnight.
In the end was the first song I ever heard of Linkin Park and that song made me go search about this band and eventually found out that awesome album named Hybrid Theory which is also their best one btw
I heard "In the End" on the radio first, though I wasn't a fan until the Meteora era. I remember taking a drive with my brother and he had asked me what music I liked, I asked him if he "Had any Linkin Park", we listened to Meteora in full on the way to his house. That's when I'd say I first became a big fan. When "Minutes to Midnight" came out, that's when I went from a regular to listening to them on repeat daily. Their change in music seemed to have resonated with my own personal change in taste, it was perfect timing.
Breaking the Habit, when I was like 10 or something. On a digimon video (so lame), I kept trying to figure out who made the song, then when I found out it was Linkin Park I was thinking "I've heard of them, aren't they a boyband" haha I was so wrong. I searched up more of their music, and through middle school I said they were my favorite band, although I wasn't BIG into music, but when Living Things came out I became addicted. I was kinda late, but that doesn't mean I'm not a true fan. (oops, ended up making a narrative.)
I think it's Numb in 2003. I thought they were African-American at that time cause I heard it on radio and my first instinct was they're African-American
"One Step Closer" in 2000. I think it was before the album came out. There was a commercial for the album that was playing on MTV2 frequently, as well as the video for OSC. I thought the song was ok and that they had weird hair. I didn't really like them until I saw the "Crawling" video. I remember them being considered a non mainstream band by their fans until "In the End" became a single and pretty much made them one of the biggest bands ever in music. A lot of people were upset at the mainstream attention, which was absurd. The band was rejected and doubted by people so many times before their incredible success, so I thought they deserved that success and attention. You all are so young. It makes me feel old reading all these posts : (
I don't remember but the song that got me into them was In The End, but previously I heard others LP songs on the radio but I never was interested in them until 2013.