Would make more sense for people to spread word to create HYPE for the track and album But they can suit themselves. Not everyone lives in LA. At least let LPU members watch a recording of it or something
Yeah I knew it was too good to be true for Invisible to be played at this time. I bet it will come in March or April
"I bet it will come in March" is like saying "I don't think it'll come in the next [x] hours you guys" (it's already March where I am.)
You're starting to sound as entitled as some of the others here. Just chill out, song will come when it gets here.
I'm not sounding entitled Brad just trolled the whole LP fanbase Regardless, I'm not saying that we need to hear the song. I'm fine with waiting, I'm just saying people who heard the song should be able to talk about it.
No, the picture he posted I haven't seen a single comment outside of that Mike does sing the whole song with Chester on background vocals. Which we already knew. Like Kevin said above, if they signed a contract they can't legally talk about it or they can get sued. So maybe everyone had to sign a legal document
Holy shit people, CHILL. I would not expect a new song within the next couple of weeks, the band is still focusing on promoting Heavy and One More Light, especially with the release of the music video just on the horizon. Invisible was only played to give the LPU members in the area a treat at the live show, I'm sure if they had been booked at a much later date, they wouldn't be so secretive about this shit. Y'all are over hyping everything.
You're not the only one. I was raising an eyebrow when it first came up they might play Invisible. Said to myself I'll be surprised if they do that this early. When I commented on how I'd be a little disappointed if they played it only for LPU who lived in or could make it to Los Angeles, it was strictly on the keyword of "if" (If it was played). Never meant to suggest they did for sure. I guess it's going to be hard to find out for sure what did or didn't happen, considering the idea that if they played it they were asked not to talk about it, and if it were played for LPU members, I think they'd have enough respect for the band's wishes to comply.
This is an idea I like. If they really played Invisible and since LA-based LPU members shouldn't be seen as anymore special, then post the video to the LPU website, which you need a membership just to log in to.
Problem is, there's absolutely no way the video wouldn't be all over the internet in minutes. I like the idea in theory, but the way they did it is the only way they could've done it without the performance being leaked.
Good point... can't fully trust LPU members who watch online not to do that with it. Then they can only act so fast to shut down YouTube channels who violate the copyright. Too much hassle to even try to go through all of that. Oh well. I can wait. I've been one to not download leaks when they've been available for past albums. Though if it's done in an official way, I'll be honest, I wouldn't mind hearing at least one more song before May 19. Though with only 10 total, I'm capping myself at 2 (including Heavy) even if more than 2 are available early. I remember with Hunting Party, with how many were available before album release. I tried to resist but I couldn't help myself, then on release day only like half the album was new to me and it didn't feel as good. Don't want that to happen again.
Of course you're gonna hear more songs. The album won't drop until late May, and, without more songs, people will lost interest and hype train will die.
So then... this Corey Messiwhatever guy just violated the terms and if he signed an agreement he could be sued? If Invisible was played and the audience was bound to an agreement, then I'm betting it was either an honour code agreement and nothing bound by pen to paper, or they said no phones on but we won't try to stop you from talking about it and what you thought of it.