Waiting For The End. The Last 30 seconds is my favourite part on the album But Iridescent is in a very close second
It was hard to choose between Robot Boy and When They Come For Me, but I went with the latter. It's unlike any Linkin Park song I've ever heard, and I love everything about the track. From Mike's awesome verses, and Chester's epic singing, to the unique drums and middle eastern vibe. It's an all around great song.
There are multiple things that each song gives me that makes me love them. They all give me a certain high that I can't gauge. I'm treating this album like one big song.
Robot Boy. Because I'm a robot boy. But seriously, if I have the expensive equipment that LP has, Robot Boy is the song I will write with pride.
When They Come For Me has been playing in my head ever since I listend to the leak, thought I have to admit that Iridescent is a real deep song which I love as well, all the other songs are really incredible too, can't wait to get the album so I can play it over and over
Burning in the Skies, LOVE the melody and the chilled guitar work throughout. Everything else follows closely in second, I just like them all too much to differentiate at the moment
Blackout, to me, is one of the best. I actually prefer The Catalyst and then When They Come For Me is really growing on me. But right now, my favorite that isn't The Catalyst is Blackout. It's fucking sick.
As I'm listening to each song I think "... yeah this is my favourite", then the next song comes on and I think the same thing again. The only song I'm lukewarm on is Robot Boy.
my favourites at the moent have to be when they come for me and blackout. just love the way they sound and is it just me or does Blackout remind people of LPU8 - Cookies?
"When they come for me"... Simple beats, layered one over another with Mike's best rapping to date...lyrics perfect, and the song features 2!! bridges...one at the 3 minute mark, and the second near the end... love the eastern vibe.... Also lately love listening to "iridiscent" really really exceptional structure... love the singing switching between mike and chaz...
I picked Iridescent. WTCFM is very close behind. My vote made them tie so that's pretty dope. The only song that I don't care much for is Robot Boy, but if listening to the whole album it works just fine.