1 Somewhere I belong 2 Figure 0.9 3 One step closer 4 Lying from you 5 Numb These are my favorites songs from Live in Texas
lying from you (the scream at the beginning kicks off) papercut (guitars sound like they want shut down the whole stadium) with you (its a moshpit burner anyway, it always were one) by myself (like with you) a place for my head (the most crazy song from linkin park. look at chester while the shoutpart...he goes nuts) yeah thats it
Don't Stay - The way Chester misses out 'forget our memories' Lying From You - It's an excellent song and sounds great Papercut - chester makes the song sound brilliant with the backing sounds that you dont hear on the single From The Inside - They all managed to keep on signing/playing without mistakes when little man with green hands invades stage Place For My Head - Chester just goes absolutely mental One Step Closer - Again like 'Lying From You' OSC is an excellent song
Actualy after hearing it over and over again my new top 5 are: 5.By Myself 4.In The End 3.P5hng Me A*wy 2.With You 1.Papaercut
P5hng Me Aw*y probably was their best I think, although others like Place For My Head and One Step Closer were also pretty awesome. Just that P5hng Me Aw*y was better