1. P5HNG ME A*WY 2. NUMB 3. SOMEWHERE I BELONG 4. RUNAWAY But the whole performance was great! :chaz:
P5hng Me A*wy -- love that song. The semi-reanimated One Step Closer was also cool :rawk: . And another : Lying From You, simply because that's my favourite song off Meteora.
Papercut where Chester and Mike goes: it's like face that I hold inSIDE face that wtaches everytime i LIE
Papercut where Chester and Mike goes: it's like face that I hold inSIDE face that watches everytime i LIE Lying From you, and place for my head too.
A Place for My Head!! It's my favorite LP track, and I just thought the intensity that they put into the song on the Live in Texas DVD was awesome! If only they had put it on the live CD so I could take it with me...
I'm always a big fan of Papercut live. That'd have to be #1, but that last scream in Runaway is the absolute ####.
My Fav was One Step Closer .I think listening to that song made me appreciate(SP?) the song more ; now I listen to it every chance i get.
Place 4 my Head kicked ass. I gotta go listen to that and if you disagree with me just watch "You try to take the best me....." Part. Hey what the hell happened to the :rawk: smilie?
hey! finally theres a topic i cant talk about this...... where or why do they do that intro part to by myself?? is it from a demo? 1. By myself 2. Puushing Me Away (remix) 2.Papercut 4.Numb
Mainly Faint and papercut, but the whole thing is awesome! its pretty sad to see Faint the first time posted in this thread in the 45th post.
The entire show was great, but I liked By Myself cause of the cool intro and the Pushing Me Away Remix because only Mike and Chester sang the whole song.
1 Crawling B) - the crowd singing sound so awesome 2 poa - just love the song 3 with you - think it sounds great live , and when mike annouces joe and he is doing his scrathcing stuff is amazing 4 P5hng Me A*wy - Mike singing 5 From the inside - just one of favorites
1.With You 2.By Myself 3.Points Of Authority 4.Crawling 5.Don't Stay I also liked P5hing Me Aw*y but the intro was bad (the bit just before chester sings),mikes singings pretty good
i like pushing me away, the remix cos i was surprised to see Mike sing and A Place For My hEAD was unforgettable.... and on the DVD 'from the inside ' stood out ...not because of their performance or vocals, but because mad ass Lars (was is Lars??? or the other one?) came out in a pink bunny rabit thing and tried to distract them ... how stupid was that? i guess they needed some sort of a highlight for the DVD.