What is your favorite Linkin Park website? I wanna visit some really good ones, and please don't just say LP Association because you're posting here.
http://www.thelpfusion.com/ http://www.mikeshinoda.net/ http://www.lpalliance.net/ just to name a few... Last edited by LPchick4ever at Aug 2 2002, 03:38 PM
Thanks. pushmeaway.com has good content and news. Is there any Linkin Park sites with really good webdesign?
I like all except for maximumlinkinpark.com << still mad @ them for illegally directing linking to our mp3
did he take it down? i'd hope so <_<[/b][/quote] Yes, although it took longer than it should, and probably the main reason that we lost so many hits for our site
My favorites are... The LP Fusion Linkin Park Network Just a few...those are the only ones I frequent, besides LP Association...lol.
[color=6666FF]Mine are... mikeshinoda.net pushmeaway.com perpetualsound.com and of course, Linkin Park Ebony[/color]
pushmeaway.com prolly has the most info of any LP site out there. are you guys at lpassociation.com going to beat it??