You should try and see if you can add a little bit of your own flavor on the track. Since it is your EP.
RESUSCITATION - WORKING DEMO LISTEN HERE I need to know your honest opinions on the track, I am not to sure about it myself so if you guys like the track I will publish it on the album but if not then I'll count it out, thanks. @Jay - if I can add elements and it sounds good it will remain as the fourth track.
02.Resuscitation (3:15) - 9/10 This is a fun track. Has a very laid back reggae vibe to it, with heavy bass and electronic effects. The ska synths/plucking worked really well and I enjoyed the whole song. Around 0:12-0:16 I really enjoyed the shifting sound effects. Great work.
What do you think about switching the bass for a guitar? Or some other kind of reggae-ish string instrument?
Awesome dude, thanks a lot. I will try something like that out once I get home. What do you think about the track at the current time?
It feels kind of sluggish with the bass. I like everything else. That sound starting at :36 really makes the song. I think it'd sound fresher with a different instrument doing your bass line that you currently have. But it might take away that reggae feel you're looking for.
Alright guys. It looks like I'll be taking out the bass in some parts of the song, probably for the verses, and replacing it with other instruments and synths maybe. Stay tuned for November 6th, when the EP album will be released. NEW WORKING ALBUM COVERS! I have been working with 28thART on some new ideas for the album cover, so that for my first EP its fully original, I'd like that thank 28thART for pointing that out to me. Below are the ideas we've had for the album cover, we'd love to know what you think of them, and any other ideas you may have. [thumb][/thumb] [thumb][/thumb]
Well, hope the guys love the cover, and the simple idea of it. about my track, its a fucking old track, but it sounds cool, specialy after the guitar solo done by Lorenzo. Thanks for sharing.
well yeah, when i made my track then give it to him, he was like, hmmmmmm nice like it, i'll see what i can do on it ! then after 30min or 45 min, he sent me the file again, and i was like WTF !!!! but the funny things, that from that day i've never saw him again, not even on MSN ! he used to play guitar & Drums in a group in belgium ... something like this , but he's realy a nice guy.
Awesome!! I'm glad you like it! The only track left for me to complete is Evolution! I honestly never thought I'd make it this far, haha. Can't wait for you guys to here this.