Figured I'd introduce myself, as a good newbie would do. I'm new to these forums, but by no means new to forums in general. Anyway, I'm 13, male, all that good stuff. This concludes the introduction of just one more person. Seeyall around.
Hey. Im The Outsider. Welcome to the boards. I'm 16. Have a grand time. From: The Outsider. p.s Please excuse my randomness.
Ello Guvna................[Why am I stereotyping my own country? ] Hi,I'm Luke but you may refer to me as Sir, Hellflame or Great Overlord Kwintakecoolo. If you call me Skywalker then I will attack you with a pineapple and we all know they are spiky and hurt when they are shoved up your ass..................or is that just me? Oh well
Is there such thing as a good/bad newbie? Because if so...I must of been a horrible newbie. Oh, hey Skywalker, what's up?
OK you asked for it. I'll come for you while you're asleep and invade your dreams and make you afraid of giant rabbits.
OK you asked for it. I'll come for you while you're asleep and invade your dreams and make you afraid of giant rabbits. [/b][/quote] You've converted to the Dark side!? OH NOES!
OK you asked for it. I'll come for you while you're asleep and invade your dreams and make you afraid of giant rabbits. [/b][/quote] Go away giant Bunny! Go Away! [/Chris Potter from Kenan & Kel]
Go away giant Bunny! Go Away! [/Chris Potter from Kenan & Kel] [/b][/quote] I used to love that show and I still do,I wish they made some more episodes now...
Awww, you're just mad because of my political stance. There, there! Sorry about that. That wasn't the thread. Anywayz, welcome Sylvaron!