Hi. I really don't know how to say this, but I just want to apologize for some things. First off, I lied about myself... alot. I really don't know why I did. My name isn't Melissa(or Mel), It's Delaney. I'm not any fo the random ages I said, I don't really remember most of the ones I said, I said about 2, possibly 3, But... truthfully, I'm pretty young. :wth: Also, I lied about my looks... Um... Yeah, I think that's most of the things I lied about, and I'm really sorry I lied...
its okay to lie on the internet. unless , you're a 35 year old pervert who says that hes a sweet 16 year old girl..
I'm sure I, among others (eh, Derek? ) knew. By the way Branden, How's that wedding coming along? :whistle:
I have something to confess too my fellow LPAers. My name isn't really Raj. I've been living a lie. My real name is... Joe. I'm sorry. Also, I'm not an uncle either. I'm not a Raj or a fucking uncle! I'm a fucking failure! :'(
And I'm really not in the shadows. It's actually pretty bright out here. Let's be emo and cry together, Joe. :'(
*bows down* I am not worthy. I am not worthy. [/b][/quote] Thats right...everyone bow down before the Great Overlord Kwintakecoolo Coming to a cinema near you!
And I'm really not in the shadows. It's actually pretty bright out here. [/b][/quote] ROFLMAO!! Best post of the day.
And I'm really not in the shadows. It's actually pretty bright out here. Let's be emo and cry together, Joe. :'( [/b][/quote] ! But are you watching and waiting?
And Hellflame: THE RASMUS. [/b][/quote] Well call me billybob! That wasn't so totaly obvious that the very words In The Shadows reminds my of The Rasmus.