Worry for Keaton's mental condition-- I mean look at all the crazy things in his sig! [/b][/quote] I am worried. We could always install a mod that allows an reason for edit. *shrug*
This is my last post in this topic, I think it could go on forever so I'll try to wrap things up: We need the edit line feature for our members. No one will judge you by it and if you make a mistake, you can always add EDIT: Typo in your post to justify. But, if you're very anal about it, then just preview your posts and make sure they're ok from the start. Happy Postings
I can't help but wonder when I make passing observations, can I? But whatever, if you don't want to answer, its not like something that I need to be horribly enlgihtened to. Just chill, dude .
I love sarcasm, it makes so many people mad. Just in case people need to know what I edited. For example, if you started a thread and needed toupdate your info, add the EDIT: that I do or something. That and I feel the need to look stupid by telling everyone what a stupid mistake I just made.
Oh yeah, making people mad is such a blast. <back on topic> Sometimes its annoying to have a whole line dedicated to how "this post has been edited" for changing a little spelling error or adding a happy face.