I'm a little bit too late to wish you luck , anyway I hope you've passed your test. heh, next week I'll get my first driving lesson. I hope I won't crash the car... :wth:
Hehe, you know what's cool? When you get yours, my dad's signature will be at the bottom. Good luck on your drivers test. . I don't see the sense in getting my license until I have enough to buy a car myself and get insurance, because mom for some reason unbeknown to me won't let me drive the van. <_< [/b][/quote] Oh crud. Your obviously going to tell him to fail me...-_-
I won't let myself drive, ever. I'd just end up killing someone...we don't need more road rage! Seriously though, I'd be a terrible driver. It's better for everyone if I just stay off the roads.
i know im gonna talk to myself while driving hahahah, ill suck at it as well... i dont notice things like the light changing and stuff.
well i finally did my test yesterday morning .................a and i passed! i'm so happy and tanks to all the people who gave me advice.
Congrats! Maybe you can help me when i have to take the test [/b][/quote] youre not gonna take the test nobody would let you
youre not gonna take the test nobody would let you [/b][/quote] i know :wth: i'd probably kill everyone on the road/street! So guys when I turn 16 stay off the streets! Especially if you live in Toronto *cough Felix cough*
i know :wth: i'd probably kill everyone on the road/street! So guys when I turn 16 stay off the streets! Especially if you live in Toronto *cough Felix cough* [/b][/quote] oh yes definately. everybody: stay at your houses when may turns 16.
Today my teacher just canceled the date for my first driver's training lesson again. For the second time!! I hope that it's no a bad sign for my driver's licence...
Really? hah, you can drive with your driving school teacher before, though Wow, I was parking parallel today, or parallel parking ... nah, I hope everyone knows what I mean.
Really? hah, you can drive with your driving school teacher before, though Wow, I was parking parallel today, or parallel parking ... nah, I hope everyone knows what I mean. [/b][/quote] i dont