Ever watched the episode "Why We Fight" of Band Of Brothers? They were to weak to fight them. They were starved and sick. I bet they've tried, but I also bet they got shot down. yeah, i just stop by every now and then. dont mind me :whistle:
Aha! The premise of your flawed argument. Bullies and murderers are no different. However poor their reasoning, there is a REASON (at least one) why they're a bully or a murderer. And there is a reason WHY they bully or kill. In fact, the only way to stop such actions (you'll find terrorism is uncannily parallel) is to trace the action to the root and eliminate the CAUSE. [/b][/quote] What if that person is mentally unstable,many cases of murder have been found that the killer is in fact mentally unstable. The prisoners knew that the nazi's policy was anti-semetic if they didn't agree with it they should have fought it.Its in no way the governments' hold on citizens because for one thing the government allows reiligon in a democracy. And what I meant by how they didn't start anything on Britian is that until Britain actualy said stop they didn't dare try to invade us.They might have tryed later on but until Britain declared war on Germany for invading Poland,Germany did not attack Britain.Don't try to tell me otherwise because I got an A* in my GCSE History Modules about this and I've been studying nazi Germany and Hitlers plans for a very very long while now. @Chris: Ever seens the film Sobibor which tells the true story of the concentration/death camp Sobibor and how near a thousand people escaped at one time because they planned everything carefully? What makes a planned escape any different from a planned stand up to the workers? They both require bravery and much scheeming.
And that doesn't have a cause? Firstly, not all governments are democracies, nor do they always allow "freedom" of religion. Secondly, the ones that supposedly do are undermining this by expelling extremist muslim clerics. And as for those democracies, yes, they allow a majority to vote away your rights, that's much better. You ignore the fact that government is an inherant violation of individual rights, and a small minority of statist keep millions and millions under control. The statists are the holders of an "anti-non-statist" policy. I don't agree, and I'm taking action by not voting. Your grammar and terminology is too vague in that last paragraph, I can barely make sense of it. But frankly, you can get all the A's you want, but it doesn't necessarily measure your capability to understand an issues causes, effects, or the logical and moral premise's at the root of them. I'm not saying that's your case, I'm saying an A doesn't prove a ton.
And that doesn't have a cause? Firstly, not all governments are democracies, nor do they always allow "freedom" of religion. Secondly, the ones that supposedly do are undermining this by expelling extremist muslim clerics. And as for those democracies, yes, they allow a majority to vote away your rights, that's much better. You ignore the fact that government is an inherant violation of individual rights, and a small minority of statist keep millions and millions under control. The statists are the holders of an "anti-non-statist" policy. I don't agree, and I'm taking action by not voting. Your grammar and terminology is too vague in that last paragraph, I can barely make sense of it. But frankly, you can get all the A's you want, but it doesn't necessarily measure your capability to understand an issues causes, effects, or the logical and moral premise's at the root of them. I'm not saying that's your case, I'm saying an A doesn't prove a ton. [/b][/quote] I don't care what you think about my grade because I worked hard to get it wether it doesn't matter or not and millions of people like me get stressed over these grades because the amount of pressure put on young people to do well is enormous and I won't tollerate someone saying that an A doesn't prove you have knowledge on the topic in hand,it proves you worked fucking hard. And do you think I don't know what you're saying? The point you just made is a point I've been making for about 5 years.However please give me an example of a democracy that doesn't allow religion And when the hell did I even suggest that every country is a democracy?
i cant say in believe in A god, but by my reckoning there must be thousands, theres so many religions. Real confusing when you've got 1 religion saying theres one god but another saying there are loads. :wth:
Hellflame, we're obscenely off topic. So far I've made the points that violence doesn't occur without reason, and it's neither the nature of, nor in a human beings interest to initiate force against another being, or to rule over them, when mankind is far more productive working together without violence. Therefore, violence directed to another human of any sort, fist or nuke, is an illogical act of poor reasoning.
The thing is is that you didn't read my earlier posts on how this whole subject of violence came to be.If you had you would have noticed that I said that if there was an all loving god violence wouldn't exist.
And my point is that we don't need an all loving god for violence to not exist. Instead of ushering the blame on our nature, which it's not, every individual could use their reason and aviod violence alltogether.
I believe in God. For me God is a Divine being, the Creator, the Just. I think He does more justice with his hands after the death of anyone than along our life cause there are a lot of injustices in this world at the moment. There are people that just pray to God to request something to him. The image that these people have about the God is very short. They just want believe in God when they feel they need him. Their faith is shortened and they are just a self–interested persons. Well I hope that the people answered ‘Yes’ don’t be a self–interested persons.
I believe in god but just the idea, it would be nice to believe in somthing like that but how do you know and if there is not a a god then you wast all that time do all the shit that people do that say they believe in god do. I think it is just easer not to. That's just me.
I believe that "god" and organized religion was made up by people who were/are afraid of the unknown.
Yes, I believe in God, but I don't worship Him. If you actually read the old testiment, you'll find that He is just a glorified genocidal maniac. We believe He can't make mistakes, because He's so powerful. That makes about as much sense and a mustard flavored cookie.
I think I've found my stance on God. I don't believe in a fellow watching over us (that would be gross.) I believe God represents all the good things in the world: love, hope, friendship, etc. Praying is either giving our regards to others who have died, others who are in need of help, or ourselves (giving ourselves motivation or reflecting)
i know the truth! we are a sim game and we've got green diamonds over our heads and are controlled! or not...
Except for that undeniable fact that most of us have the common sense to be able to go to the restroom, rather than just peeing the floor.
It's amazing that this thread isn't locked yet . I used to be a strong believer in God. Nowadays too many negative things have happen to me that I think cannot be reversed. These bad things have made me lose so much faith in God. I really wish God existed but a big part of me says he doesn't