linkin park would make a dvd with all their filmclips in it? from meteora, hybrid theory and reanimation? sorta like a greatest hist dvd? it would be so cool, it could be a double disc, one with all the interviews, concert footage and stuff and the other disc with all the video clips?how cool would that be? plus it would keep fans satisfied until their new album came out
I doubt they will release another DVD before the new album, plus i'm satisfied with everything LP have released so far. I think i can wait until the new album without anything else being released by them, or atleast until LPU 4.0 anyway. I'm sure LP will release another DVD sometime in the future, they seem to be into doing stuff like that, i think it will be a good idea, but i think if theyr'e gonna release a DVD chronocling every album they have released i think they should wait until they break up.
I didn't mean break up in that they fall out, i meant when they decide to end it all, and who know's they could break up for all we know. There's alot of bands doing that right about now. :whistle:
i doubt it why should they break up now?theyre at the peak of their career and just because every other band breaks up doesnt mean they'll just imitate them. They ususally have a record deal number and its more than just three albums, minimum six.
Yes, i know, i was joking. Album deals don't mean very much if a band breaks up. The record company will just use the un-used album slots to send out a greatest hits or a DVD.
Please,No more talk of Linkin Park splitting up :angry: But I'd love it if they release a DVD with all their music vids on and stuff,that would be cool.Also they'll probably do another DVD showing the making of their new album
Good point Hellflame. LP will most likely make a DVD showing the making and process of the next album.
uuummm...i donno really...yeah that'd be awesome if they did come out with a DVD like that, but i doubt they will, at least anytime soon. But yeah, that was a really good idear!
record company can sue them, like they did with this bitchy australian no talented singer holly valance aghhhh, i hate her
It would be cool to make another DVD with their next CD, not just a Making The Album, but with Meteora Music Videos and maybe a concert.
No way should they do that anytime soon. If they make another DVD before their next album comes out, it'll just be reinforcing teh stereotype.
Personally, despite the love for them, they need to stop releasing things. I'm almost worried about the new CD coming out more than I am excited.
what stereotype and what is that hybrid something person talking about, with im more worried than excited crap?
They've only got two albums under their belts and have already released one followup DVD/remix CD for each official album. Bands usually wait at least 3 albums before they start doing that.
They've only got two albums under their belts and have already released one followup DVD/remix CD for each official album. Bands usually wait at least 3 albums before they start doing that. [/b][/quote] there isnt a remix album for meteora and they said they wont have one