Wish Granted: No one suffers the pain from having wisdom teeth pulled because they no longer exist and everyone is a bit happier than they would be otherwise. I wish my nose wasn't stuffed.
Wish Granted: Because I want one too. I wish that it was Tuesday already, I need Animals As Leaders' new album!
Destroyed: You misread the release date and it's actually scheduled for 3/25/2015. I wish I didn't have to take state standardized testing.
Granted. You don't have to take it. Though you're worse off for it. I wish the Écailles de Lune album had a special edition.
Destroyed, you get accepted to Hogwards and are happy for the entire summer, then you are kicked out at the last minute as it became a girl-only school. I wish I could think of a wish.
Wish Destroyed: You go swimming at a beach, only to find the water is infested with sharks. They eat you alive, and it's hilarious. I wish I had the hardcover versions of Compendiums 1 & 2 of The Walking Dead.
Destroyed: You are supposed to receive them as a gift but they're sent to me, I refuse to send them back. I wish I had a working Hover Board.
Destroyed. you now have the articulation of Jimmy from South Park. I wish David Brockie hadn't died :/
Granted: I have no idea who that is but yeah. I'm not a dick.. I wish my nose wasn't SO GODDAMN STUFFED!!!!!!!!
Wish Granted: Your nose is now completely drainage free. I wish the creators of Hannibal would release an official soundtrack.
Granted: You even have a third one I wish I didn't have class today so I could sit outside in the sun all day