Destroyed. Life will never be easier, but you will learn important lessons in the process. I wish Autotune would stop destroying pop.
Destroyed, autotune is now present in every song. Linkin Park recreates Hybrid Theory with nothing but autotuned vocals. I wish I could listen to Coldplay's Ghost Stories right now.
Destroyed. A creepy guy on the street who refers to himself as "Coldplay" [Don't ask me why] tells you the scariest ghost story ever and you die of fear and shock. I wish I wasn't so bored.
Destroyed: Your computer, phone, and anything else electronic you might have are broken. And also all your friends are busy and none of your books are available I wish I could stop coughing
Destroyed: You cough so much it vibrates the Earth and it cracks like an eggshell and is destroyed. I wish my throat didn't itch.
Destroyed. You fall asleep until some weord prince seemingly into making out with corpses comes along and kisses you. I wish I didnt have to babysit.
Oh god that's disgusting..... Destroyed: Something happens and you have to babysit this child/these children for the rest of your life
Destroyed, the show was cancelled and instead replaces the headliner with One Direction. I wish I could go home
Granted. You go home and your girlfriend is waiting for you in front of a warm fireplace with a bottle of the finest whiskey. I wish I could get over the 10th Doctor
Wish Destroyed: David Tennant occupys your everyday thoughts, until the end of time (or at least your time). I wish that I could get this damn studying done!
So nothing changes then? Granted. You study hard and become famous in whatever it is your studying. I wish my knees weren't so jacked up.
Wish Granted: because that sucks. I wish Metallica would release an official re-mix of ...And Justice For All.
Granted: Because I'm not a dick. You meet a group of awesome people that will befriend you for life I wish I didn't have class tomorrow
Destroyed. Instead of a class, you have a compulsory lecture that lasts for two and a half hours. The lecturer talks about the topic, you totally despise, monotonously and tediously. Additionally, there are other teachers and lecturers present. They take seats right behind you, so you can't really do anything else, but listen. I wish the wisdom teeth didn't exist.