Hello, In the Linkin Park chat subforum under Linkin Park, I request a description change. The current description is, "No! The band isn't breaking up! General LP discussion." Don't you agree that that is invalid and out of date, especially when that was a very long time ago when those rare rumors even spread. I can't even imagine how long that description, as well of some of the others have been there. If you cared at all about the LPA community, you would fix this issue. The LPA community thanks you.
He is. He argued with me about the thing on the shoutbox. Apparently the pun that my name should be changed to Plus is still new.
I'm telling you, he is. Born in 1996 means srs bsns. No offense to any other 14 year olds here, but the art of sarcasm needed to make this post a joke is way past the depth of early teenage years.
Good example of suggestion thread: Hey guys! I noticed a few of your forum descriptions were a little bit out of date, most notably the one for Linkin Park Chat. Any plans to switch things up? Likely response: Now that you mention it, maybe the forum descriptions could be changed around since they've been that way for years. Thanks for the suggestion, we'll discuss it amongst the staff and see what we come up with. Awful example of suggestion thread: "If you cared at all about the LPA community, you would fix this issue." Likely response: Excuse us? If we cared at all about the LPA community? First off, who anointed you spokesperson for the LPA community? Secondly, where the hell do you get off inferring that we are in any way negligent towards our own community because of something as ridiculously minuscule as a joking forum description? I guess if we didn't care at all about our community, we wouldn't be moderating these forums so closely, posting daily news posts to keep ungrateful people like you informed about the band, and lastly sinking our own money into site hosting out of the goodness of our hearts with virtually no profit being realized on our end. Seriously, your attitude and tone needs an abrupt change. You can start by being a whole lot more respectful. Honestly, the nerve of some people. Now I rarely go off on people like this, but this thread really rubbed me the wrong way. Thread closed.