Damn. The cast is looking very nice. No doubt they look the parts. I have faith that the story will be great, especially since they swapped David Goyer (screenplay writer for Man of Steel) for Chris Terrio (Screeplay writer for Argo).
I've been skeptical of Jesse Eisenberg in the role for a long time, but with this, he definitely looks the part. I'm still not entirely convinced that he will play a good Luthor.
I think the DCCU as a whole is one big giant clusterfuck. Nothing about what DC's doing makes any goddamn sense to me. Why is the TV universe separate from the film universe? Why have two different actors for each character? Why have a team-up film before any of the solo films? Sure, they might not want to be copying Marvel with the "solo film followed by team-up film" thing, but who's really going to care, other than asshole fanboys screaming "Marvel did it first"? No one who matters. Anyway, now that I got that out of the way, especially since no one's ever possibly voiced that opinion before, the only things about the DCCU that've exited me are Jason Momoa as Aquaman, and this reveal of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor. He played an awesome asshole character in The Social Network, and I think he'll build off that, personally. But overall, I'm not exited about the DCCU, which is a real shame, because Batman, Green Lantern and several other DC characters have always been some of my favorite comic book characters.
I think separating the TV universe from the film universe is actually really smart by DC. Its gives DC the freedom to do a lot more with their TV shows and movies without having to worry about conflicting with canon material from each. I love the tv shows and really enjoy how they have presented most of the characters throughout but some of the characters are so iconic for story telling and the way they are portrayed is good for a TV show but characters like Ras, Deadshot, and Slade need to be redone. Its not like they are bad characters. The show handled them very well but while watching the show, I feel the weight of who these characters are suppose to be. These are three of the most deadly men in the world but I just did not feel the their presence. If we do get a Green Arrow movie, characters like Canary and Speedy also need to be redone. Canary's character development honestly has not been at the same level of quality as other characters in the show which is sad because Canary is such a major character in Arrow. I will say this, I feel really bad for Flash because they decided to announce it so soon after their new TV show was announced. But it had to be done for the movie's and the TV show to be at the best quality possible because what works on TV does not necessarily work in a movie.
First Batman V. Superman Teaser! https://www.facebook.com/DCCinemati...6882994038518/875709105822570/?type=2&theater First trailer out this monday!
Part of the trailer came online with the only words in it being from Batman "Tell me, do you bleed? You will!" http://batman-news.com/2015/04/16/batman-v-superman-trailer-leaks-tell-me-do-you-bleed-you-will/
I really dislike Superman as a character. Hopefully this movie changes that, but.. I'm not hoping too much.
HD official trailer [video=youtube;IwfUnkBfdZ4]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwfUnkBfdZ4&feature=youtu.be[/video] Now you can actually see and hear stuff.. ..and I'm still not hyped.
Honestly, the trailer was a bit underwhelming, but that may be just because I'm still riding off of the high that is the Star Wars trailer. The opening scene of the trailer was legit though.
I didn't have high hopes for this movie and wasn't really interested. While I still have low expectations, they have my attention now.