
Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Shinoda_baby, Jun 22, 2005.

  1. #41

    Suffice Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    This girl was different dude.

    She told me why and she said it was because two friends of hers did it.

    I told her that she made a huge mistake.

    She eventually regretted doing it. [/b][/quote]
    Everyone regrets doing it, every time. Doesn't mean they won't do it again. In some people, cutting sends endorphines to your brain that are like a drug that can make you stop crying, its hard to explain as I don't really know why it made me feel better when I did it.. It's addictive though. Like I said, non-cutters will probably never understand.
  2. #42

    Ackie Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2005
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    i think it's weird really about the ones that cut themselves cuz they hate others and have been hurt by them, i mean if ya hate other ppl around u an ya wanna hurt them bak, than y cut UR self? :| but then again, i guess thats easier said then done
  3. #43

    Ackie Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2005
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    You obviously don't have any real idea. Like I said. Some people won't understand. I'm not gonna have an argument about it. And god, if you've ever really had emotional pain, it hurts a FUCK lot more than physical.. [/b][/quote]
    i understand exactly wat u mean, emotional pain burns alot more than physical cuz the emotional memories never fade away, no matter how hard you try, u just can't seem to get rid of it, it stays with u for lyfe an there's nothin u can do about it, i can understand y many ppl self harm due to depression an personal problems, but it's easier said then done that slashin ur wrists or watever is not the answer. also when u're extremely pi$$sed/stressed/depressed watever it's soooooooooo hard to resist the temptation
  4. #44

    Bexyboo Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2005
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    I think most people these days cut themselves for attention. So obviously, I don't give them much attention, or sympathy. I mean, someone I know over the internet, is CONSTANTLY showing off about how she cuts herself. She writes poems about it. She just expects EVERYONE to feel sorry for her. I hate it. <_<
  5. #45

    Suffice Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2004
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    Yea, stuff like thats annoying. They cat scratch themselves and it's pathetic.
  6. #46

    hybrid_fan Ambient

    May 20, 2005
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    i'm looking at my hands and i see lots of scars...
  7. #47

    Runawy Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    Cutting for attention is just plain stupid, I can't stand people like that.
  8. #48

    Evi Super Member LPA Super Member

    Dec 26, 2003
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    I think it's stupid to destroy your body. I mean if you want to loose your aggression you don't have to cut yourself. But I don't want to accuse anyone.

    Because I did it myself. :chemist:
  9. #49

    TheZackStump Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Is that so much different from tattoos, piercings, or other "body modifications"?
  10. #50

    Glenn Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    Sounds good. Stick metal in your CD player, not into your skin.
  11. #51

    Cassie The time to hesitate is through.

    Nov 23, 2003
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    Is that so much different from tattoos, piercings, or other "body modifications"? [/b][/quote]

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


    Scarification is the process of creating body art with scar tissue.

    Scarification usually consists of a series of abrasions, which can be created using sandpaper, power tools, or cuttings. The final result may resemble an inkless tattoo or an abstract design.

    It is fairly common in West Africa and New Guinea and facial scarring was a popular practice among the Huns.

    When scar tissue is created by burning with a hot metal object, it is called branding.
  12. #52

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Stick metal in your CD player, not into your skin. [/b][/quote]
    :lol:! That's great. It's funny because it's true.
  13. #53

    Maëlle I've seen it all

    Mar 8, 2004
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    But maybe do they hate themselves more than they hate others.. :wth:
  14. #54

    tunnelvision Active Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    i agree that cutting is increasingly becoming a trend, a fad, the thing to do. its disgusting. when i was 14 i "cut" my boyfriends name into my arm, because my best mate did it too. i only went out with him for about 2 weeks. thankfully, i didnt know what i was doing, and they were more scratches than anything else. hardly broke the skin. but it hurt, and i was convincing myself i was doing it because i missed him, it showed my loyalty to him and utter devotion, etc etc. i was 14 for fucks sake!! he was only my second boyfriend ever. so, the scratches on my arm didnt leave scars. but the slices all over my upper thighs did. i started cutting when i was about 15- i still do it now, almost 2 years on. i do it on my thighs because i dont want anybody to see. i cut for me. i dont WANT people to know. some people do it cos its a "cry for help" or whatever so they tear their arms to ribbons, but i do it because...i guess it helps me to "see" the pain. like, if blood doesnt come the first time, ill do it over and over until it does. also because i guess i just hated myself- need someway to express that, and i was so against the world it was kind of like a "fuck you all" to it. also, its like the one thing you can control- if everything else is spinning out you can slowly drag a blade through your skin and its like you can at least pretend you have some control over some aspect of your life. and it actually felt really good. EXCEPT......i cant wear anything shorter that 2 inches above the knee, EVER, cos then on up its like someones thrown a great pile of sticks to the ground and theyve all fallen on top and across themselves because theres no more room. except theyre pink and long and incredibly straight. cuts so deep that if you brush past someone the next day you cant help wincing, and the scars actually are indented in my skin. you could get some ink and fill them. THESE SCARS WILL STAY WITH ME FOREVER. and its true, that every time i look at them, it just reminds of how they got there and why. the result is that now im extremely selfconcious, because my boyfriends and my future husband will all have to be explained to.i can never wear a bikini unless i have board shorts. it gets so hot in summer. the result of THAT is now i feel even worse about life than i already did, which causes me to pick up the craft knife again. its a vicious, vicious cycle to get into- and i dont know how ill break it. counsellors dont really seem to work.
    so, in consequence, a quick release from the world and momentary relief from the inside pain has only fucked me up even more.
    its not the way to go. please, if youve never done and/or have been thinking about it because its cool or you just wanna try it to see or whatever, there are many other ways you can go. just dont. i can guarantee in the long run youll come out worse off. guarantee it.
  15. #55

    fallenangel Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    i think you have given the clearest account of why people cut themselfs and i think you are brave for writing such an honest post.

    i hope everthing gets better for you soon cause cutting sounds such a horrible way to deal with things but i do understand that you get in a vicious cycle.
  16. #56

    Evan™ HI! I'm Randy, I'm a Bandicoot Über Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    i think you have given the clearest account of why people cut themselfs and i think you are brave for writing such an honest post.

    i hope everthing gets better for you soon cause cutting sounds such a horrible way to deal with things but i do understand that you get in a vicious cycle. [/b][/quote]
    i thinks thats really harsh for people to hate themselves but you have given all for us here a clearer picture....thanks for your brave contribution....
  17. #57

    saunderitos Banned

    Feb 28, 2004
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    to me,this reply seems to have a cry for attention,the very people you said you hate
  18. #58

    Tiffiny Member

    Sep 23, 2004
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    Cutting is a temporary release from pain. I know that sounds weird/strange/whatever, but it's true. Studies have proven that when someone cuts, not accidently, but puposefully, chemicals are released in the brain, and it's almost similar to a high that someone would experience from drugs. It's really addictive. Cutters have said self-mutilation was harder to quit, then smoking, or heroin. Plus, you can use cutting in almost any situation. If you want revenge(even though, most times, the other person doesn't know, you still feel better), if you're feeling extremely down on yourself, and want to punish yourself, if you're feeling "numb", it helps you remember you're actually breathing, if you never learned how to properly deal with emotions, or if you learned it was wrong to let out how you're feeling, your emotions build up, and you feel like you'll pop if you don't do something,'s a release.

    Yeah, I'm sorry if all that's been said before. I just had to say it. I want to erase the stereotypes surrouding self-mutilaton. Cutters aren't freaks, crazy, or suicidal even. Cutting is a way to survive, to keep going. Self-mutilators need help, and understanding.

    Thanks for listening.

    By the way, the only poeple that doesn't apply to are the ones who cut for attention. I can't stand that.
  19. #59
    ~Diamond Feorsteorra~

    ~Diamond Feorsteorra~ Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2005
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    I use to cut, but I don't any more, talking to someone you're close to realy helps. I broke down in front of my mum last night, we talked about it and it just helps, bottling all the pain up isn't a good idea. Id on't mean to say that everyone has to do it because I did but that's my way of overcoming it.
  20. #60

    xXLPGurlXx Member

    Jan 20, 2004
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    I agree that cutting is very stupid and I came to realize it is very pointless. I cut a few times awhile ago. I wasn't very depressed, I just had some anger that I needed to get out. Now I realized I ruined my life when I did that, my friends actually did care about me I found out. And now I look at my arms and see how stupid I was. But when you cut, it does release pain and it lets go of all my worries or anything that gets to me. And I hope I will never do it again. And if I feel like Im gonna go insane I just call my best friend and she is there for me.. But sometimes I felt like no one knew how I felt. And the only person who i needed to talk to was my ex because he was in the same situation. But I never did talk to him because he was one of the reasons why I did it, but I am okay now. And I never cut for attention. I didn't even let anyone know. My friends found out on their own. But now I am better and never will do it again. Just thought I would post my comment onto this topic.

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